Manage account sale sales

Article07/03/20248 min read

When a purchase (or production) lot is sold, sales revenue is generated, which is used for settlement calculations in the account sale accounting method. For more information, see Understand sales revenue calculation.

The account sale calculation provides a proposal for the account sale. However, you can modify the proposed account sale by making changes. On the Account Sale page, the Sales headline, highlighted in green, represents the overall total net revenue derived from the underlying sales sections. To obtain detailed information on how the system calculated the total gross or net revenue displayed on the Account Sale page, select the values within the sales headline.

  • The following fields are available on the Account Sale Revenue list page:

    QuantitySpecifies the originally ordered quantity when creating the source document from which this account sale revenue line originates.
    Quantity ReceivedSpecifies the number of units of the item received on the line, as defined in the purchase unit of measure.
    Proposed Quantity (Base)Specifies the proposed quantity, in the base unit of measure, to be included in the account sale based on all linked sales transactions for this settlement line.
    Proposed QuantitySpecifies the proposed quantity, in the purchase unit of measure, to be included in the account sale based on all linked sale transactions for this settlement line.
    Account Sale Quantity (Base)Specifies the value, which is calculated and displayed in the base unit of measure.
    Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the unit of measure that is defined on the settlement line.
    Proposed Gross RevenueSpecifies the total gross revenue calculated by the settlement calculation for all transactions linked to this settlement line. The Proposed Gross revenue is the sum of all Account Sale detail lines of type “Revenue” in the Gross Revenue (indirect) field.
    Proposed Sales Discount ValueSpecifies the total net revenue calculated by the settlement calculation for all transactions linked to this settlement line. The Proposed Net Revenue is the sum of all Account Sale detail lines of type “Revenue” in the Net Revenue (indirect) field.
    Proposed Net RevenueSpecifies the total net revenue calculated by the settlement calculation for all transactions linked to this settlement line. The Proposed Net Revenue is the sum of all Account Sale detail lines of type “Revenue” in the Net Revenue (indirect) field.
    Account Sale Gross RevenueSpecifies the gross revenue that is to be reported back to the vendor. Initially, the field is filled with the Proposed Gross Revenue, but you can change it to any other value. Changing the Account Sale Gross Revenue has an impact on the Account Sale Net Revenue. The Account Sale Gross Revenue, as registered by you, also affects the calculated commission values for commission type Percentage. Additionally, the Account Sale Gross Revenue determines the Purchase Invoice Amount (LCY) displayed on the Account Sale page.
    Account Sale Discount ValueSpecifies the sales discount value to be reported to the vendor. Initially, the field is filled with the Proposed Sales Discount Value, but you can change it to any other value. Changing the Account Sale Discount value has an impact on the Account Sale Net revenue. The Account Sales Discount value, as registered by you, also affects the calculated commission values for commission type Percentage. Additionally, the Account Sales Discount Value is used to determine the Purchase Invoice Amount (LCY) displayed at the bottom of the Account Sale page.
    Account Sale Net RevenueSpecifies the net revenue to be reported back to the vendor. Initially, the field is filled with the Proposed Net Revenue, but you can change it to any other value. This can be done directly or by modifying the values in the fields Account Sale Gross Revenue and/or Account Sale Discount Value. The Account Sales Net Revenue, as registered by you, affects the calculated commission values for commission type Percentage. Additionally, the Account Sales Net Revenue is used to determine the Purchase Invoice Amount (LCY) displayed at the bottom of the Account Sale page.
    ModifiedSpecifies whether there have been any changes to the initially proposed Account Sale Commission Value percentage or the Account Sale Commission Value Per.

    To understand how discounts are calculated, see Understand discounts calculation.

  • On the Account Sale page, you can select the values in the Not Shipped/Shipped sub-header lines to view the Account Sale Detail Lines. The Account Sale detail lines page provides the following fields.

    TypeSpecifies the type of the account sale detail line.
    SubtypeSpecifies the subtype of the revenue detail lines, indicating the current phase of the sales source. The options are Expected and Actual, corresponding to the different levels of the Sales header on the account sale page. Not Shipped and Shipped represent the Expected phase, while Invoiced represents the Actual phase.
    SourceSpecifies the source of the Account Sale details lines.
    • Revenue – the source is one for the following: Sales order, Sales shipment, or sales invoice.
    • Cost – the source is one of the following: Purchase Receipt or Purchase Invoice.
    Source Document No.Specifies the document number of the source. Depending on the source type, it can be a sales order, a posted sales shipment, or a posted sales invoice.
    Source Document Line No.Specifies the document line number for which this account sale detail line was created. The document line number always corresponds to the document specified in the Source Document No. field.
    Source NameSpecifies the name of the source. For account sale detail lines of type as a Revenue, the customer’s name is displayed in the Source Name field.
    Posting DateSpecifies the posting date of the document.
    Item Ledger Entry No.Specifies the item ledger entry number that is linked to the Account Sale Revenue detail line. For lines with Type as a Revenue, these will always correspond to sales.
    Item Ledger Entry TypeSpecifies the item ledger entry number for which this account sale detail line is created.
    Gross Revenue (direct)Specifies the gross revenue derived from the specific source document number. In all cases, this is calculated as the unit price on the sales document line multiplied by the quantity on the sales document line.
    Discount Value (direct)Specifies the various types of discounts applicable to the specific sales document line. The following discount are:
    • Sales Line discount: This can be filled using the standard Business Central sales discount functionality or business logic from other Aptean extensions like Advance Pricing or Trade Management.
    • Invoice discount: This discount is applied through the Business Central sales discount functionality.
    • Item charge costs: This cost is posted to the sales document line with an Account Sale type of Accrual.
    Net Revenue (direct)Specifies the Net revenue of the sales document line, calculated by Gross revenue (direct) - Discount Value (direct).
    FactorSpecifies the output factor for the item ledger entry number associated with the account sale revenue detail line. This is obtained from the line trace functionality of the settlement.
    Gross Revenue (indirect)Specifies the gross revenue of the sales document line multiplied by the factor value. If the lot number sold, shipped, or invoiced on the sales document line is a production lot number, the gross revenue (indirect) represents the proportion of the gross revenue allocated to this specific purchase lot/line trace. This allocation considers other lot numbers that may have contributed to the production lot through supplying consumption
    Discount Value (indirect)Specifies the discount value of the sales document line calculated by multiplying it with the factor value.
    Net Revenue (indirect)Specifies the net revenue (indirect) of the sales document line, calculated by subtracting the discounts (indirect) from the gross revenue (indirect).
    Trade Plan No.Specifies the number of the trade plan under which the value entry was created, resulting in this account sale detail line. This field is only available for account sale detail line records where the type is set to Cost.
    Trade Cost Posting TypeSpecifies the type of trade cost posting. This field is only available for account sale detail line records where the type is set to Cost.
    Item Charge No.Specifies the item charge number. This field is only available for account sale detail line records where the type is set to Cost.
    Item Charge DescriptionSpecifies the description of the item charge no. This field is only available for account sale detail line records where the type is set to Cost.
  • The account sale page shows the total of all Account Sale detail lines grouped under “Group Revenue.” For instance, the subsection “Not Shipped” on the Account Sale page displays the sum of Account Sale revenue detail lines with a subtype of “Expected” and a source of “Sales Order.” Similarly, the subsections “Shipped” and “Invoiced” show their respective sums of Account Sale revenue detail lines. The Net revenue is visible for each subsection as well as a grand total, indicated by the green-highlighted Sales line.