Production Order Type

Article05/08/20232 min read

When creating settlements, the settlement calculation must be able to identify specific types of production activities. In case the accounting method is set to Grade Out, the system will use the output quantities of only grading production orders. In case the accounting method is set to Pack Out, the system will only consider the output (and the linked sales transactions) of packing production orders. Since the same Business Central production order is used for both kinds of manufacturing activities, a Production Order Type field is provided in which the users can specify whether the production order is used for Grading or Packing.

When you change the Production Order Type on the document header, it is automatically applied to all production lines level. You can change the production order type even after the production order is finished using the Adjust Production Order Type function. This enables you to include the finished production order for settlements whenever required.

  • The production orders with Production Order Type set as Grading will be used for calculating settlements with the accounting method Grade Out.
  • The production orders with Production Order Type set as Packing will be used for calculating settlements with the accounting method Pack Out.

To modify the Production Order Type in a finished production order, select Related > Adjust Production Order Type. Subsequently, the lines of the finished production order will be updated.