Post a settlement

Article07/26/20242 min read

Post a settlement

When you finalize a settlement, you can choose between creating only an invoice or directly creating a posted invoice. This allows you to determine the desired outcome for your settlement process.

Create an invoice for the settlement

  1. On the Settlement page, on the action bar, select Release to release the settlement.
  2. In the Status field, set the value as a Released.
  3. On the action bar, select Post > Create Invoice.

The status of the settlement is updated as to Invoice. An unposted invoice is created, and the number is displayed in the settlement line.


Unposted invoices can be posted later by a user from the financial department after conducting necessary checks or finalizing the document approval process. If an invoice is deleted, it will not be visible on the settlement line. However, you can use the Create Invoice function again, which will overwrite the number on the settlement line.

Post function

Use the Post function to directly create a posted purchase invoice after finalizing the settlement values and releasing the settlement. This updates the status of the settlement as Invoiced. After posting, the settlement lines with different currencies are split as multiple invoices even though it belongs to the same pay-to vendor.


You must first release the Settlement to use the Post function.

To post a settlement, follow these steps:

  1. On the Settlement page, on the action bar, select Release to release the settlement.
  2. In the Status field, select the value as Released.
  3. On the action bar, select Post > Post.

The status of the settlement is updated as Invoiced. A posted invoice is created, and the number is shown on the settlement line.

  • You cannot change the settlement after it is posted.
  • If there are any missing data, such as incomplete grouping setup on the vendor card, or if the total amount of the generated invoice is negative, an error list is displayed when attempting to post the settlement. These errors must be addressed and resolved before the posting can be completed successfully.