Manage pooling revenue

Article07/05/20244 min read

When a purchase (or production) lot is sold, sales revenue is generated, which is used for settlement calculations in the pooling accounting method. For more information about revenue calculation, see Understand sales revenue calculation.

  • On the Pooling Revenue page, you can view the pooling revenue line with the following fields:


    On the action bar, select Edit List to edit the revenue details on the pooling revenue line.

    QuantitySpecifies the number of units of the item ordered on settlement lines associated with this pooling revenue line.
    Quantity ReceivedSpecifies the number of units of the item that have been posted as received in the settlement lines associated with this pooling revenue line.
    Proposed Sales QuantitySpecifies the proposed quantity to be included in the pooling, calculated for all the sales transactions in the settlement lines associated with this pooling revenue line.
    The UOM used for the quantity is displayed next to the field name in parentheses.
    Pooling QuantitySpecifies the pooling quantity that will be reported to the grower(s) within this settlement. This value is derived from the Proposed Sales Quantity field value.
    Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the UOM code applied to the pooling line.
    Proposed Gross RevenueSpecifies the total gross revenue calculated based on all sales transactions in the settlement lines for this pooling line. This value is calculated as the sum of all Gross Revenue (Indirect) field values of pooling detail lines of the Type field set to Revenue.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details lines.
    Proposed Sales Discount ValueSpecifies the total sales discount granted to the customers in sales calculated based on all settlement lines for this pooling line. This value is calculated as the sum of all the Discount Value (Indirect) field values of pooling details lines of the Type field set to Revenue.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details lines.
    Proposed Net RevenueSpecifies the total net revenue calculated based on all sales transactions in the settlement lines for this pooling line. This value is calculated as the sum of all Net Revenue (Indirect) field values of the pooling details lines of the Type field set to Revenue.
    You can select this value to view all the pooling details lines.
    Pooling Gross RevenueSpecifies the gross revenue that is to be reported to the vendor(s). Initially, the field value is the same as the Proposed Gross Revenue field, you can edit this value as required.
    Changes made to this field impact the Pooling Net Revenue field and the calculation of commission lines of the Type field set to Revenue.
    Pooling Discount ValueSpecifies the sales discount value to be reported to the vendor(s). Initially, the field value is the same as the Proposed Sales Discount Value field, you can edit this value as required.
    Changes made to this field impact the Pooling Net Revenue field and the calculation of commission lines ofthe Type field set to Percentage.
    Pooling Net RevenueSpecifies the net revenue to be reported to the vendor(s).
    Initially, the field value is the same as the Proposed Net Revenue field, you can edit this value as required. You can change this value directly or change the Pooling Gross Revenue and Pooling Discount Value field values.
    Changes made to this field impact the calculation of commission lines the Type field set to Percentage. Additionally, this value is used to calculate the Purch. Inv. Amount (LCY) field on the Pooling page.
    ModifiedSpecifies whether manual changes have been made to the pooling revenue line.

    To understand how discounts are calculated, see Understand discounts calculation.

  • On the action bar, select Revenue Details to open the Pooling Details page and view all the pooling details lines to understand how the summarized revenue and discount information were calculated, and in which documents the individual revenue components were posted. For more information, see View pooling details.