Manage pooling costs

Article07/05/20243 min read

Costs are deducted from the revenue reported to vendors. For more information, see Understand costs calculation.

  • On the Pooling Costs page, you can view the pooling costs lines with the following fields:

    Trade Plan CodeSpecifies the trade plan code defined in the cost template associated with the pooling cost line.
    Trade Plan DescriptionSpecifies the description of the trade plan.
    Item Charge No.Specifies the number of item charge that was defined in the cost template associated with the pooling cost line.
    Item Charge DescriptionSpecifies the description of the item charge.
    You can select this value to view the item charge details.
    Deduction MethodSpecifies the method used to determine where to populate the costs associated with the cost template.
    • Account Sale Amount: The value is used in the Costs field.
    • Net Revenue: The value is used in the Costs (Deducted Revenue) field.
    Cost Application MethodSpecifies which value should be used to fill the Cost Amount (Pooling) field. This selection is derived from the associated cost template. The available options are:
    • Expected: The value of the Cost Amount (Expected) field is used.
    • Actual: The value of the Cost Amount (Actual) field is used.
    • Actual if exists: The value of the Cost Amount (Actual) field is used (if exists), or the Cost Amount (Expected) is used.
    • Manual: The system will not suggest any value, you can enter the value manually.
    Cost Amount (Expected)Specifies the total amount of cost expected for this pooling cost line, calculated as the sum of all pooling detail lines of the Type field set to Cost and subtype Expected.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details lines.
    Cost Amount (Actual)Specifies the total amount of cost invoiced for this pooling cost line or posted as a standard cost without invoice calculated as the sum of all pooling detail lines of type Cost and subtype Actual.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details lines.
    Cost Amount (Pooling)Specifies the value for this specific cost that is to be reported to the vendor(s), you can edit this value as required. The value displayed depends upon the Cost Application Method field selection.
    ModifiedSpecifies whether manual changes have been made to the pooling cost line.
  • On the action bar, select Cost Details to open the Pooling Details page and view all the pooling details lines to understand how the summarized costing information on the selected pooling line was calculated and in which documents the individual cost components were posted. For more information, see View pooling details.