Manage pooling calculations

Article07/04/20246 min read

You can view the summary of the settlement lines using the pooling accounting method. For more information, see Understand accounting methods. Additionally, you can view and edit the revenue, claims, commissions, and cost details calculated for the pooling lines.

The following procedure outlines how to view the pooling lines.

  1. Calculate a settlement with the pooling accounting method. For more information, see Create and run a settlement.

  2. On the action bar, select Pooling.
    The Pooling page opens.

  3. You can view the details of the pooling lines in the following fields.


    The fields visible on the Pooling page depend on the selection made in the Pool by field on the Calculate Settlement page.

    Item No.Specifies the item number.
    This field is visible only when the Pool by field is set as Item on the Calculate Settlement page.
    Item DescriptionSpecifies the description of the item.
    This field is visible only when the Pool by field is set as Item on the Calculate Settlement page.
    Item Category CodeSpecifies the category code of the item.
    This field is visible only when the Pool by field is set as Item or Item Category on the Calculate Settlement page.
    Item Category DescriptionSpecifies the description of the item category.
    This field is visible only when the Pool by field is set as Item or Item Category on the Calculate Settlement page.
    Buy-from Vendor No.Specifies the vendor who supplied the item for which you must settle the payment.
    This field is visible only when the Pool by field is set as Vendor on the Calculate Settlement page.
    Buy-from Vendor NameSpecifies the name of the vendor who supplied the item for which you must settle the payment.
    This field is visible only when the Pool by field is set as Vendor on the Calculate Settlement page.
    Global Lot AttributesSpecifies the value of global lot attributes (one to eight) with their corresponding values, which were set up on the Advanced Attribute Setup page.
    These fields are visible only when the Pool by field is set as Lot Attributes on the Calculate Settlement page.
    Gross RevenueSpecifies the gross revenue that is to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is derived from the pooling revenue.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details.
    DiscountSpecifies the sales discount value to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is derived from the pooling revenue.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details.
    Net RevenueSpecifies the net revenue to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is calculated by subtracting the Discount field value from the Gross Revenue field value.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details.
    Net Claims ValueSpecifies the net claims to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is derived from the pooling claims.
    You can select this value to view pooling details.
    Costs (Deducted Revenue)Specifies the costs to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is derived from the pooling costs, with the Deduction Method field set as Account Sale Amount.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details.
    Net Net RevenueSpecifies the net net revenue to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is calculated by subtracting Net Claims Value and Costs (Deducted Revenue) field values from the Net Revenue field value.
    CommissionSpecifies the total commission value to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is derived from the pooling commissions.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details.
    CostsSpecifies the total cost value to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is derived from the pooling costs.
    You can select this value to view the pooling details.
    Purch. Inv. Amount (LCY)Specifies the total purchase amount to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is calculated as follows:
    Net Revenue - Net Claims Value - [Costs (Deducted Revenue) + Costs] - Commission
    Proposed Pooling QuantitySpecifies the proposed pooling quantity. This quantity can be calculated on sales or received quantity depending upon the selection made in the Proposed Pool Quantity Source field on the Calculate Settlement page.
    The sales quantity is calculated by subtracting the pooling claims’ Pooling Quantity field value from the pooling revenue’s Pooling Quantity field value.
    The UOM used for the quantity is displayed next to the field name in parentheses.
    QuantitySpecifies the quantity to be reported to the vendor(s). This quantity can be calculated on sales or received quantity depending upon the selection made in the Proposed Pool Quantity Source field on the Calculate Settlement page.
    The sales quantity is calculated by subtracting the pooling claims’ Pooling Quantity field value from the pooling revenue’s Pooling Quantity field value.
    Proposed Unit CostSpecifies the proposed unit cost calculated by dividing the Proposed Purch Inv. Amount (LCY) field value by the Proposed Pooling Quantity field value.
    Unit CostSpecifies the unit cost to be reported to the vendor(s).
    On the action bar, select Edit List to edit this value.
    • The UoM used for the quantity is displayed next to the field name in parentheses.
    • As this is a higher-level calculation result, if you edit this field, you cannot edit the related revenue, claims, commissions, and cost fields.
    • The revenue, claims, commissions, and cost field values are locked based on the latest calculation, as the system cannot trace back and make changes at the revenue, claims, commission, and cost levels.
    Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the UOM code applied to the pooling line.
    Proposed Purch Inv. Amount (LCY)Specifies the proposed purchase amount to be reported to the vendor(s). This value is calculated as follows:
    Proposed Net Revenue - Proposed Net Claims Value [Proposed Costs (Deducted Revenue) + Proposed Costs] - Proposed Commission
    MarginSpecifies the profit the company makes on the specific pooling line, calculated as follows:
    Proposed Purchase Invoice Amount – (Quantity x Unit Cost). This value is increased with all commissions not paid out to third-party commissioners.
    Margin %Specifies the margin as a percentage of the proposed net net revenue. This value is calculated as follows:
    Margin ÷ Net Net Revenue.
    ModifiedSpecifies whether manual changes have been made to the pooling line.
  4. The following actions are available on the Pooling page.

    RevenueOpen the Pooling Revenue page to view and edit details of the revenue calculation. For more information, see Manage pooling revenue calculation.
    ClaimsOpen the Pooling Claims page to view and edit details of the claim’s calculation. For more information, see Manage pooling claims.
    CommissionsOpen the Pooling Commissions page to view and edit details of the commissions’ calculations. For more information, see Manage pooling commissions.
    CostsOpen the Pooling Costs page to view and edit details of the cost calculation. For more information, see Manage pooling costs.