View settlement detail lines

Article • 4/3/2023 • 6 min read

The detail lines are the result of the calculation. They specify the calculated quantity and amount to settle with the vendor that is specified in the settlement line.

You can also use the Correction Quantity field to adjust the quantity for your settlement (including negative values). The value in the Quantity to Settle field in the Settlement Line gets updated based on the value of the Correction Quantity field in the detail lines.

This allows you to modify values in line with agreements made with the vendor.

You can view the following fields on the Settlement Detail Lines page.

Source Item No.Specifies for which purchased item you are creating a settlement quantity with direct unit cost.
Source Item DescriptionDescribes why you are creating a settlement. In most cases, it is for the item procured.
Source Lot No.Specifies the traced lot number.
Source Document No.Specifies from which source document type the settlement line originates.
Source Document Line No.Specifies from which source document line number this settlement line originates.
Source Posting DateSpecifies the date when the document was posted.
Global Lot Attributes (Source)Global lot attributes 1 to 8 with their corresponding values.
Destination Item No.Specifies the destination item number depending on the accounting method used within the settlement, destination items can be different. (e.g., item produced; item sold etc.)
Destination Item DescriptionSpecifies the description of the destination item depending on the accounting method used within the settlement, destination items can be different. (e.g., item produced, item sold etc.)
Destination Lot No.Specifies the unique number of the destination Lot.
Destination Document No.Specifies the unique number of the destination document.
Destination Document Line No.Specifies the line number of the destination document.
Destination Posting DateSpecifies the date when the document is posted for destination.
Global Lot Attributes (Destination)Global lot attributes 1 to 8 of the destination item with their corresponding values.
Proposed Quantity to Settle (KG)Specifies the quantity suggested to settle for the destination item in the settlement unit of measure, based on transactional data as shown in the settlement trace and the accounting method selected when initiating the settlement calculation.
Proposed Quantity to SettleSpecifies the quantity suggested to settle for the destination item in the settlement unit of measure, based on transactional data as shown in the settlement trace and the accounting method selected when initiating the settlement calculation.
Proposed Direct Unit CostSpecifies the direct unit cost per unit of measure as shown on the settlement detail line. The proposed quantity, unit of measure, and currency code of the settlement detail line in combination with the settlement’s Pay-to vendor (and its pricing method), were used to retrieve this direct unit cost from the purchase price functionality.
Proposed Line AmountSpecifies the value of the Proposed Line Amount field, which is calculated by multiplying the Proposed Quantity to Settle and the Proposed Direct Unit Cost field.
Proposed Direct Unit Cost (LCY)Specifies the value of the Proposed Direct Unit Cost field converted to local currency, based on the exchange rate applicable on the Posting date of the settlement.
Proposed Line Amount (LCY)Specifies the value of the Proposed Line Amount field converted to local currency, based on the exchange rate applicable on the Posting date of the settlement
Correction QuantitySpecifies the quantity to be corrected on the Proposed Quantity to Settle in order to calculate the Quantity to Settle.
Quantity to SettleSpecifies the quantity to settle to vendor for this specific destination item number in unit of measure on the settlement detail line. The quantity to settle is the sum of the Proposed Quantity to settle and the Correction Quantity.
Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the base unit of measure of the destination item.
Direct Unit CostSpecifies the direct unit cost to be settled in the currency shown on the settlement detail line. On initial calculation, the Direct Unit Cost is filled with the Proposed Direct Unit Cost, but the value can be changed to any value.
Line AmountSpecifies the value of the Line Amount field which is calculated by multiplying the Quantity to Settle and the Direct Unit Cost fields.
Direct Unit Cost (LCY)Specifies the value of the Direct Unit Cost field calculated in local currency, based on the exchange rate applicable on the Posting date of the settlement.
Line Amount (LCY)Specifies the value of the Line Amount field, which is calculated by multiplying the Quantity to Settle and the Direct Unit Cost (LCY) fields.
Currency CodeSpecifies the Currency Code of the purchase line from which the settlement line originates.

You can recalculate the settlement using the Recalculate function. This facilitates having accurate settlement values after modifications on prices or correction of quantities.

Any manual changes in the detail lines, like correction of quantity or prices, will be overwritten by this function.

Once all corrections are done, select Release to release the document.

You cannot perform the following actions after the settlement is released:

  • Calculate
  • Recalculate
  • Modify values in the fields of the settlement header

Detail lines for the Grade Out and Pack Out accounting methods

When the Accounting method field is set to Grade Out, the detail lines are created based on the output lot numbers of the first grading order that is encountered for a specific receipt in the line trace. The source item is defined as the originally received item (including unique combination of global lot attributes) and the destination item is defined as the output item coming out of the first grading production order. The proposed quantity is the sum of the posted output for that specific item number and global lot attribute combination. The price is calculated based on the destination item in the given unit of measure with the quantity to settle in the currency code of the purchase order.

When the Accounting method field is set to Pack Out, the detail lines are created based on the output lot numbers of pack out production orders that are still in inventory or sold. The source item is defined as the originally received item (including unique combination of global lot attributes) and the destination item is defined as the output item(s) (including unique combination of global lot attributes) coming out of the various packing production orders. It is important to note that only production orders up until the first sales transaction are considered. For example, a pack out item is sold, returned by the customer, and repacked again, the first sales transaction with initial packing production order is considered in the calculation and detail line. The proposed quantity is the sum of the posted output for that specific item number and global lot attribute combination. The price is calculated based on the destination item in the given unit of measure with the quantity to settle in the currency code of the purchase order.