Set up cost calculation templates

Article07/26/20243 min read

Cost calculation templates are used to organize the visibility of costs within the settlement process. This setup applies to settlement calculations only when the Accounting Method field is set as Account Sale or Pooling. In this settlement, only value entries representing costs from the cost template are considered, and any other entries are excluded when determining the settlement amount.

The cost calculation template consists of several cost lines defined by item charges. For more information, see Set up item charges.


> - Only item charges of type Costs can be used in cost template lines.
> - Trade plans can be defined on the cost template line to populate the item charge associated with the specific trade plan if the Aptean Trade Management extension is installed.

These item charges represent a list of all costs that potentially play a role when managing a specific account sale transaction type. For example, one could consider that importing pineapples out of Costa Rica implicates a different cost chain than buying fruit locally. While both transactions can be settled through an account sale, it is highly likely that the costs associated with each of them will vary significantly. By establishing cost templates for various types of transactions, the presentation of costs to both users and vendors can be effectively structured.

Specific options can be set per cost or template line to determine how the respective costs will be populated in the account sale. The cost template line consists of the following fields:

Item Charge CodeSpecifies the code of the item charge selected to define the cost type to be used in this cost template line and any account sale cost lines created based on it.
Item Charge DescriptionSpecifies the description of the item charge code.
Deduction MethodSpecifies the method that is used to determine where the cost is populated on the Account Sale page. The options are:
  • Account Sale Amount: The value is filled in the Costs section.
  • Net Revenue: The cost is visible in the Costs (Deduct Revenue) section.
  • Cost application MethodSpecifies which value needs to be used when costs are populated in the account sale. The options are:
  • Expected: The expected value of a cost is used.
  • Actual: The actual (invoiced) value is used.
  • Actual if exists: The actual (invoiced) value is used if it exists in the system when posted; otherwise, the expected value is used.
  • Manual: The system will not suggest any value, and the cost must be filled manually.
    Note: The difference between the expected and actual cost application method can only be made when the Aptean Trade Management extension is installed, as Business Central does not provide the capability to post costs via item charges as expected.
  • Sorting OrderSpecifies the order in which cost template lines should be sorted when creating account sale cost lines using this cost template. Cost template lines with identical sorting order numbers are sorted in alphabetical order.