Manage account sale commissions

Article07/03/20245 min read

Commission can be defined as the reward an agent or trading company earns when handling and selling a product on behalf of a vendor. In most cases, the commission is calculated as a percentage based on the revenue generated when the products are sold to customers. For more information, see Understand commissions calculation.

The Account sale page gives insights into which commission is applicable to this specific purchase order and for which values. For more information, see Commission and commission groups setup. The green highlighted Commission section displays the total commission value for the specific purchase line. Expanding this section lets you access details of the total commission value into different commission groups. The system checks per existing commission group; if a commission setup line exists for the specific combination of vendor, item, or global lot attributes. If no matching record is found, the system will then select a commission line defined for All vendors, if available. Each commission group can have a maximum of one selected commission line in the account sale commission lines.

When opening the Account Sale Commission page, the following fields available:

QuantitySpecifies the quantity from the settlement line, which should be based on the original purchase order quantity.
Quantity ReceivedSpecifies the number of units of the item received on the line, as defined in the purchase unit of measure.
Proposed QuantitySpecifies the proposed quantity of units of the item on the line to be included in the account sale, as defined in the purchase unit of measure. The proposed quantity is calculated based on:
  • All sales transactions linked to the lot number(s) received under this settlement line or the production output in which the lot number(s) received under this settlement line.
  • All production output in which the lot number(s) received under this settlement line were used as consumption.
  • The above is lowered with all quantities as calculated in the Proposed Account Sale Quantity field from the account sale claim line.
Account Sale QuantitySpecifies the number of units of the item on the line that is recorded on the account sale, as defined in the purchase unit of measure. Initially, this is filled with the Proposed Quantity. However, this field is editable.
Account Sale Gross RevenueSpecifies the gross revenue to be reported back to the vendor. This amount is calculated by subtracting Account sales claim value gross from the account sale claim line and Account sales gross revenue from the account sales revenue line for the specified settlement line.
Account Sale Discount ValueSpecifies the granted sales discount that is to be reported back to the vendor. This amount is calculated by subtracting Account sale discount value from the account sale revenue line and Account sale claim discount value from the account sale claim line for the specified settlement line.
Account Sale Net RevenueSpecifies the amount of net revenue to be reported back to the vendor. This amount is calculated by subtracting Account sale Net revenue value from the account sale revenue line and Account sale claim discount value from the account sale claim value net for the specified settlement line.
Account Sale Net Net RevenueSpecifies the net net revenue to be reported back to the vendor. This amount is derived by subtracting the sum of account sale costs set to the deduction method ‘Net revenue’ from the account sale net revenue.
Commission TypeSpecifies the commission type, which can be either Percentage or Amount per Purchase Unit. For percentage-based commissions, the proposed commission value in an account sale is calculated as a percentage of gross, net, or net revenue. For amount per purchase unit commissions, the proposed commission value in an account sale is determined by multiplying the account sale quantity by the proposed commission value per unit.
Commission Calculation BaseSpecifies the basis (gross, net, or net net revenue) for calculating the proposed commission value when the commission type is set to Percentage.
Proposed Commission %Specifies the commission percentage retrieved from the commission setup table for the combination of vendor, item, and commission group associated with this account sale commission line’s settlement line. This value is only populated when the commission type is set to Percentage.
Proposed Commission ValueSpecifies the commission value per purchase unit that was retrieved from the commission setup table for the combination of vendor, item, and commission group associated with the settlement line of this account sale commission line. This value is only filled when the commission type is set to Amount per Purchase Unit.
Proposed Commission Value PerSpecifies the commission value calculated by applying the proposed commission percentage to gross, net, or net revenue. This value is only filled when the Commission Type is set to Percentage.
Account Sale Commission Value %Specifies the percentage of commission to be reported back to the vendor. Initially, it is filled with the value from the Proposed Commission Percentage field, but it can be changed to any desired percentage. After modification, the account sale commission value is recalculated, and the Modified checkbox is selected.
Account Sale Commission Value PerSpecifies the commission value per purchase unit to be reported back to the vendor. Initially, it is filled with the value from the Proposed Commission Value Per field, but it can be changed to any desired value. After modification, the account sale commission value is recalculated, and the “Modified” checkbox is set.
Account Sale Commission ValueSpecifies the total commission value (whether defined as a Percentage or an Amount per Purchase Unit) to be reported back to the vendor. This value can be modified only by changing either the Account Sale Commission Value Percentage or the Account Sale Commission Value Per field.
ModifiedSpecifies whether there have been any changes to the initially proposed Account Sale Commission Value percentage or the Account Sale Commission Value Per.
Commission GroupSpecifies the value of the commission group type.
Pay-ToSpecifies whether the commission value on this account sale commission line is intended to be paid to a third-party vendor after the account sale is finalized.