Manage account sale claims

Article07/03/20243 min read

On the Account Sale page, the Claims headline, highlighted in green, represents the overall total Net revenue derived from the underlying claims sections. To obtain detailed information on how the system calculated the total gross or net revenue displayed on the Account Sale page, click on the values within the Claims headline.

Claims include issuing credits or adjusting prices, which modifies the product prices and impacts the revenue generated by the respective purchase orders. For more information, see Understand claims calculation.

The following fields are available on the Account Sale Claims List page:

QuantitySpecifies the originally ordered quantity when creating the source document from which this account sale revenue line originates.
Quantity ReceivedSpecifies the number of units of the item received on the line, as defined in the purchase unit of measure.
Proposed Quantity (base)Specifies the value of the Proposed Quantity field, recalculated to its base unit of measure.
Proposed QuantitySpecifies the quantity in the purchase unit of measure that the settlement calculation proposes to be reported to the vendor. The proposed quantity is calculated based on all account sale detail lines of ‘Claim’ type and Source Document Category Return. It represents the total quantity of items that were returned by customers, defined in the purchase unit of measure.
Account Sale Quantity (base)Specifies the value of the account sale quantity, recalculated to its base unit of measure.
Account Sale QuantitySpecifies the quantity measured in the purchase unit of measure to be reported back to the vendor as being claimed/returned. Initially, it is filled with the Proposed Quantity, but it can be manually adjusted.
Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the unit of measure as defined on the settlement line.
Proposed Claim Value GrossSpecifies the initial claim amount before any adjustments or deductions are applied. This value is calculated by consolidating all individual account sale detail lines of type Claim and considering the Gross Revenue field, excluding the discounts or allowances.
Proposed Claim DiscountSpecifies the amount deducted from the initial claim value (Proposed Claim Value Gross) to arrive at the final claim amount (Proposed Claim Value Net). It reflects any reductions or adjustments applied to the claim as a result of reversing originally granted discounts or accruals.
Proposed Claim Value NetSpecifies the final claim amount after applying any relevant deductions, discounts, or allowances to the initial claim value (Proposed Claim Value Gross). It represents the actual claim amount to be processed and recorded in the account sale transaction.
Account Sale Claim Value GrossSpecifies the gross claim that is to be reported back to the vendor. Initially, this is filled with the Proposed Claim Value Gross. However, this field is editable.
Account Sale Claim DiscountSpecifies the discount that is to be reported back to the vendor. Initially, this is filled with the Proposed Claim Discount. However, this field is editable.
Account Sale Claim Value NetSpecifies the net value that is to be reported back to the vendor. Initially, this is filled with the Proposed Claim Value Net. However, this field is editable.
ModifiedSpecifies whether there have been any changes to the initially Proposed Account Sale Claim Value, Proposed Claim Discount, or Proposed Claim Value Net.

To understand how discounts are calculated, see Understand discounts calculation.