Maintain settlements

Article07/26/20248 min read

You can calculate the price you must pay a vendor based on the criteria you define, such as grade-out quantities, pack-out quantities, revenues, margin splits, etc.


Regardless of the accounting method, the settlement calculation is always based on the route the lot number traveled through the company.


The following are the prerequisites for the settlement calculation.

  • Purchase order lines with appropriate accounting methods.
  • Production orders with the appropriate production order type.

Create and run a settlement

The following procedure outlines how to create a new settlement, run the settlement, and generate settlement lines.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Settlements, and then choose the related link.
    The Settlements list page opens.

  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Settlement card page opens.

  3. On the General FastTab, enter the required information in the following fields:

    Document DateSelect or enter the date when the related document was created. By default, the work date is set as the document date.
    Posting DateSelect or enter the date when the related document was posted. By default, the work date is set as the posting date.
    Last Calculated DateSpecifies the date on which this settlement was recently calculated.
    Accounting MethodSpecifies the accounting method applied when this settlement was recently calculated.
    Responsible Person CodeSelect a user who is responsible for this settlement.
    Responsible Person NameSpecifies the name of the user responsible for this settlement.
    StatusSpecifies the status of this settlement record. The available options are New, Open, Calculated, Released, To Invoice, and Invoiced.

    The system assigns the settlement number based on the number series setup. For more information, see Set up grower returns.

  4. On the action bar, select Calculate to define the filters and calculate the settlement.
    The Calculate Settlement page opens.

  5. In the Accounting Method field, select any of the following options and perform the corresponding actions. For more information, see Understand accounting methods.

    • Grade Out: On the Attributes and Filter: Purchase Line FastTab, select the filters you want to apply to the calculation.

    • Pack Out: On the Attributes and Filter: Purchase Line FastTab, select the filters you want to apply to the calculation.

    • Account Sale:

      Account Sale FastTab
      Document No.Select a relevant document number.
      Cost Template FastTab
      Cost Template CodeSpecifies the Cost Template Code field value associated with the related vendor, or if the Invoice Grouping Type field value is set as Per Pay-to-Vendor, the system inherits the appropriate cost template from the respective Vendor Card page. Otherwise, the system inherits the cost template code set up in the Grower Return Setup page. Additionally, you can select a cost template code manually.
      Filter: Purchase Line FastTabSelect the filters you want to apply to the calculation.
    • Pooling:

      Pooling FastTab
      Pooling Template CodeSelect a pooling template code. For more information, see Set up pooling templates.
      Proposed Pool Quantity SourceSpecifies whether the pooling quantity is based on the sales or received quantity. This value is derived from the pooling lot aggregation template, or the default value defined on the Grower Return Setup page. You can select or change this value manually if required.
      Pool bySpecifies the grouping method to group the pooling lines accordingly. This value is derived from the Pool by field value associated with the pooling template or the default value defined on the Grower Return Setup page. You can select or change this value manually if required.
      Lot Aggregation Template CodeSpecifies the lot aggregation template code. This field is editable if you have set the Pool by field as Lot Attributes. This value is derived from the pooling template or the default value defined on the Grower Return Setup page. You can select or change this value manually if required.
      Cost Template FastTab
      Cost Template CodeSpecifies the Cost Template Code field value associated with the selected pooling template or the default value defined on the Grower Return Setup page. You can select or change this value manually if required.
      Attributes and Filter: Purchase Line FastTabSelect the filters you want to apply to the calculation.
    • The filters defined on the selected pooling template are applied to the calculation by default.
    • The filters set on the Calculate Settlement page are applied to the calculation in addition to the filters defined on the Pooling Template page. This can result in unexpected outcomes. Hence, we recommend defining the filters in the pooling template instead of applying them manually on the Calculate Settlement page.
  6. Select OK.
    The system calculates the settlement, updates the Status field value to Calculated, and generates settlement lines on the Lines FastTab.

  7. You can view details of the settlement lines in the following fields:

    Buy-from Vendor No.Specifies the vendor who supplied the item for which you must settle the payment.
    Buy-from Vendor NameSpecifies the vendor’s name who supplied the item for which you must settle the payment.
    Pay-to Vendor No.Specifies the vendor with whom you need to settle a payment.
    Pay-to Vendor NameSpecifies the name of the vendor with whom you need to settle a payment.
    Source Document TypeSpecifies from which source document type the settlement line originates.
    Source Document No.Specifies from which source document number the settlement line originates.
    Source Line No.Specifies from which source document line number this settlement line originates.
    Item No.Specifies for which purchased item you are creating a settlement quantity with direct unit cost.
    Item Category CodeSpecifies the item category of the item on this settlement line.
    DescriptionDescribes why you are creating a settlement. In most cases, it describes the item procured.
    Global Lot AttributesSpecifies the global lot attributes (one to eight) with their corresponding values.
    QuantitySpecifies the quantity originally ordered when creating the source document line from which this settlement line originates.
    Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies how each item is measured, such as in pieces, kilograms, or tons.
    Quantity ReceivedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as received.
    Quantity InvoicedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been invoiced.
    Quantity to SettleSpecifies the quantity to settle, expressed in the Unit of Measure (UOM) of the source document from which this settlement line originates. This quantity is calculated based on the sum of the Quantity to Settle field for all settlement lines linked to this settlement line.
    Amount to SettleSpecifies the amount to be settled with the vendor. It is calculated based on the sum of the Amount to Settle field for all settlement lines linked to this settlement line.
    Amount to Settle (LCY)Specifies the value of the Amount to Settle field calculated to local currency based on the exchange rate applicable on the posting date of the settlement.
    Direct Unit Cost per Quantity ReceivedSpecifies the direct unit cost to settle expressed in the UOM of the source document from which this settlement line originates. It is calculated by the settlement line’s Amount to Settle field value divided by the Quantity Received field value of the settlement line.
    Currency CodeSpecifies the currency code of the purchase line from which the settlement line originates.
    QuantitySpecifies the quantity originally ordered when creating the source document line from which this settlement line originates.
    Grower Return Grouping No.Specifies the grouping number assigned to this settlement line based on the Settlement Grouping Type field value of the vendor. Settlement lines with identical grower return grouping numbers are typically reported within the same grower return document.
    Invoice Grouping No.Specifies the grouping number assigned to this settlement line, based on the Invoice Grouping Type field value of the vendor. Settlement lines with identical invoice grouping numbers will be added to the same purchase invoice when posting the settlement.
    Posted Invoice No.Specifies the posted purchase invoice number to which the settlement line was added.

Settlement page actions

The following actions are available on the Settlement page.

CalculateOpen the Calculate Settlement page to calculate the price you must pay a vendor based on the criteria you define. For more information, see Create and calculate a settlement.
RecalculateCalculate the settlement based on the criteria defined in the previous calculation. The purchase lines that no longer exist are removed, and new purchase lines that are applicable are added accordingly.
Account SaleView the Account Sale page for this settlement. For more information, see Manage account sale calculations.
PoolingView the Pooling page for this settlement. For more information, see Manage pooling.
Related DocumentsOpen the Settlement Documents page to view the documents created as a result of posting this settlement. The documents include purchase invoices for the purchase orders within this settlement, as well as invoices for third-party commissioners and documents for reconciliation with previously posted advance payment purchase invoices.
ReleaseRelease the document to the next stage of processing. The settlement’s Status field value is updated to Released.
ReopenReopen the settlement to change or update it. The settlement’s Status field value is updated to Calculated.
PostRegister the document and create and post-purchase invoices. The settlement’s Status field value is updated to To Invoice.
Create InvoiceRegister the document and create and post-purchase invoices. The settlement’s Status field value is updated to Invoiced.
Lines FastTab
Line TraceOpen the Line Trace page to view the transaction traces linked to the selected settlement line. For more information, see [View line trace](Line
Details LinesOpen the Settlement Details Lines page to view the details of the selected settlement line. For more information, see View settlement detail lines.
Show Purchase OrderOpen the purchase order related to the selected settlement line.
Show Posted Purchase InvoiceOpen the purchase invoice related to the selected settlement line.
Create InvoiceCreate purchase invoices for the selected settlement lines.