What's new in version 2401.7.0.0
With this release of the Aptean Forecasting extension, you can:
Define whether the projected forecasting should be based on sales value instead of the existing method, which uses the highest value. To know more, see Calculation based on forecast method.
View the projected forecast for different customers in each line of the Daily Forecast Entries page associated with an item.
Create daily forecast entries for a new customer with no forecast history after a sales line is created for an item with a daily forecasting code, and a shipment date matching the forecast date by executing the Calculate Projected Forecast action.
Directly add an entry to the Daily Forecast Entries page when the forecast for an item is already determined prior to creating a sales order using the Create Daily Forecast Entry action.
View a confirmation message if you run the Calculate Daily Forecast action, after manually adding an entry on the Daily Forecast Entries page using the Create Daily Forecast Entry action.
UI/UX changes
The following UI/UX changes have been made to the Daily Forecast Entries page in this release.
The Create Daily Forecast Entry action has been added.
The Forecast Method Type field has been added.
The Projected Forecast(UoM) field has been added.
The UoM value is based on the sales unit of measure configured in the respective item card and may differ from the UoM of the displayed daily forecast entries.
The Manually Created checkbox has been added.