Pallets and pallet places

Article08/19/20233 min read

Define your company’s pallets and pallet places

Products are usually shipped on pallets. When you plan your shipments, you want to know the number of pallets, in combination with the number of pallet places that you have available on your trucks, trailers or containers. You also might want to promise your customers a discount for a full pallet, so you encourage them to order full pallets.

In Aptean Beverage, you can define a unit of measure code that specifies a pallet place. When you use multiple pallet types with different sizes, you can define other pallet units of measures with a size ratio compared to the standard. On the item card, you can specify the pallet information for that item. Item Units of Measure will automatically be created.

Aptean Beverage Logistics will show the pallet and pallet place information in documents and in the route planning worksheet. In Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase Conditions, you can setup discounts, promotions and charges based on (full) pallets.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Drink-IT Foundation Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Pallets FastTab, select the Unit of Measure Code that represents a pallet place in the Pallet Place Unit of Measure field.
  3. Choose the View Existing Pallets Units of Measure action.
  4. On the Pallet Unit of Measure page, select Transport Unit Codes as necessary and fill in the quantity per Pallet Place Unit of Measure in the Qty. per Unit of Measure field.

Pallets on the Item Card

When you finished the Drink-IT Foundation Setup for pallets, you can use them on your products:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the card of the code for which you want to specify pallets.
  3. On the Drink-IT Foundation FastTab, select a code in the Default Transport Unit field in the Units of Measure section.
  4. In the Qty. Base UOM per Transport Unit field, enter the number of units of this item that can be placed on the pallet that that you selected in the Default Transport Unit field.
  5. Choose Show more on the FastTab to view the number of pallets in the inventory for this item on the Inventory (Pallet) field.
  6. Choose the Units of Measure action to open the Item Units of Measure page.
  7. Verify that Codes are created as expected.
  8. Verify Qty. per Unit of Measure and Weight for the created codes.

You can change the pallet fields on the item card, even when you already used the item in documents, journals and transactions. After your confirmation, lines and entries with the item will be updated.

Fields in Documents, Journals and Entries

Pallet values of items are used in document lines, journal lines, in the item ledger entries and in Aptean Beverage entry tables:

  • Transport Unit
  • Qty. Transport Unit
  • Quantity (Pallet)

The fields are by default hidden but you can make the visible by Personalize the page.