Walkthrough: Item Variants

Article04/03/20245 min read

In the beverage industry, the variant can be used for indicating the year of harvest for an item. A single item can have many variants. You can specify if a variant is set as default in purchase and/or sales documents, what means that this variant is automatically populated in the order entry.

Setting item variant and sales default

Consider an item, 3600, WINE FRANCE SPARKLING LIGHT 75CL for which different Item variants are to be added.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
    The Items list page opens.
  2. Select Item No., 3600.
    The Item Card page opens.
  3. On the action bar, select Related > Item > Variants.
    The Item Variants page opens.
  4. On the action bar, select New.
  5. In the Code field, enter 2020.
  6. In the Description field, enter the explanatory text.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add other codes 2021, 2022, & 2023 and their corresponding description.
  8. Navigate to the Code, 2021.
  9. Select the Sales Default checkbox.
  10. Navigate to the Code, 2022.
  11. Select the Blocked checkbox.
  12. Select the Sales Default checkbox.
    An error message is shown, because the default purchase or sales variant cannot be generally blocked or blocked for purchase or sales, respectively. Additionally, only one default sales or purchase variant can be set.
  13. Navigate to the Code, 2023.
  14. Select the Purchase Default checkbox.
  15. On the Item Card page, on the Drink-IT Foundation FastTab, in the General Section, the Default Sales Variant field gets inherited with 2021 and the Default Purchase Variant with 2023 based on the selection on the Item Variants list page.

Creation of Sales Quote with Item Variants

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Quotes, and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Quotes list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Sales Quote card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, in the Customer Name field, select the customer number, 20000, Selangorian Pub.
  4. On the Lines FastTab, in the No. field, select the item number, 3600.
    The Variant Code field gets inherited with 2021 as this is set as Sales Default for the item, 3600.
  5. Make the Variant Code field empty.
  6. In the Quantity field, enter 1.
  7. Navigate to the new line.
  8. In the No. field, again select the item number, 3600.
    The Variant Code field gets automatically populated with 2021.
  9. In the Variant Code field, change the value from 2021 to 2023.
  10. In the Quantity field, enter 2.

Creation of Sales Order from Sales Quote

  1. On the action bar, select Home > Make Order.
  2. Select Yes to the notification to convert the quote to an order.
  3. Click Yes to open the created order.

The Sales Order page opens. The sales order lines are created with values out of the sales quote. Only the first line (quantity is 1), the Variant Code is updated to the Sales Default 2021. This works similarly when an order is created from the Blanket Sales Order.

The steps are similar for Purchase Documents.

In the Invoicing Process, a Variant Code is never overruled by the Sales Default.
In Recurring Sales/Purchase Lines, blocked variants are not available during selection, and variants set as Sales Blocked and Purchasing Blocked respectively cannot be selected, else an error is thrown.

Setting in Empty Goods & Deposit Management Setup page to show Item variants

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Empty Goods & Deposit Management Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Empty Goods & Deposit Management Setup page opens.
  2. On the Quick Entry FastTab, turn on the Show Variant Code toggle.

Variant Code on the Return Entry

  1. On the Sales Order page, on the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Return Entry.
    The Return Entry page opens, and the Variant Code is shown in the Quick Entry.
  2. On the Quick Entry section, in the Item No. field, select 3600.
    The Variant Code field gets automatically populated with the Sales Default variant, 2021.

This works similarly on the Order Entry page with the Show Variant Code toggle on the Quick Entry FastTab of the Advanced Sales Management Setup page turned on.

Variant Code in Gross Net Pricelist

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Gross Net Price List, and then choose the related link.
  2. Execute function Calculate Prices.
  3. Select the Include Variants checkbox.
  4. Filter on Item No., 3600.
    The result is that Gross Net Price List lines are created for Item 3600 with the variants 2020, 2021, and 2023, variant 2022 is not shown because this Variant Code is Blocked.

Changing the volume on the item card

You can change the Unit Volume field or other volume-related fields on the Item or Master Data Tax Value page when the following conditions are meet otherwise an error message is shown:

  1. Has no inventory and is included in tax calculation.
  2. Has no inventory and is not included in tax calculation.
  3. Has inventory and not included in tax calculation.

When all the above conditions are met, the Unit Volume and related fields are updated in all open document lines (not receipt and/or not shipped completely or partially shipped) of the selected item.

Depending on the movement type the following updates are done:

  1. Taxed/Untaxed – Will update only the document tax lines.
  2. Taxed + Charge - Will update the document lines and added tax-charge document lines.
  3. Charge Only – Will update only the added tax-charge document lines.

This update is applicable in the following unposted documents:

  • Sales document lines
  • Purchase document lines
  • Transfer document lines
  • Production document lines
  • Component lines
  • Assembly lines
  • Item Journal lines.

This functionality is also setup for the Gross Weight, Net Weight, Calculation Factor, Unit Volume UOM, Gross Weight UOM, Net Weight UOM, Strength 1, Strength 2, Strength 3 and Volume 3 field values.

Item Variants on Invoices/Credit Memos

When you create a Sales Invoice by executing the Create Periodic Invoice action for the sales shipment line with or without the variant code, the Sales Default assigned for the item does not take precedence. This works similar during the creation of the Sales Credit Memos from the Sales Return Receipt while executing the Create Periodic Credit Memo action.