Consumption unit of measures

Article08/19/20232 min read

Consumption Units on the Item Card

Many of the items that your sell are sold in packages like crates, trays, etc. The packages contain multiple single products. Common practice is that the package is not only your sales unit of measure, but also the base unit of measure. That is because you do not sell a single bottle from a crate, only full crates are sold. Still, you want to be able to know how many of the “Consumption Unit of Measure” are included in the base unit of measure of the item, so you are able to report in that unit. In Foundation, it is possible to select the Consumption Unit of Measure on the Item Card:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the card of the code for which you want to specify the item dimensions.
  3. On the Drink-IT Foundation FastTab, select a code in the Consumption Unit of Measure field in the Units of Measure section.
  4. In the Qty. Consumption Units per Base UOM field, enter the number of consumption units of this item that are included in one base unit.
  5. Choose the Units of Measure action to open the Item Units of Measure page.
  6. Verify that a Code is created as expected.
  7. Verify Qty. per Unit of Measure and Weight for the created code.

Fields in Documents, Journals and Entries

Consumption unit values of items are used in document lines, journal lines, in the item ledger entries and in Drink-IT entry tables:

  • Consumption Unit of Measure
  • Quantity (consumption)

The fields are by default hidden but you can make the visible by Personalize the page.