What's new in version 23.500.105336.0

Release Note • 7/6/2023 • 7 min read


PBI No.Description
212030Increase (Post) Expected Cost with attached Item Charge
216020Add “Total Unit Price” and “Total Line Amount” on all Sales Documents
237500Reason code in standard sales and purchase code lines (FND) (for events a.o.)
243545Gross Net Price Info - Calculate Prices - Filter on Recurring Sales Lines

Resolved issues

PBI No.DescriptionRelease note
243033Drink it S/P attached lines are not correctly inserted with the item standard texts and error with expand/collapse lines
243615Gross Net Price List Calculation Performance
245920Not able to release sales order due to new line numbering on insert
245892Attached to Line No, is not filled in sales lines after Get Shipment Lines, Get Receipt Lines
245771Create Corrective Financial Invoice - permission error- 2

PBI 212030 - Increase (Post) Expected Cost with attached Item Charge amounts


Purchase attached item charges are included in the expected cost.


Companies tend to value purchased items at actual cost (FIFO, AVG..). When a receipt was posted for a purchase order with tax charges and condition charges/discounts that did not show in the expected cost of the item ledger entries, only after invoicing they show. Invoices may be posted with a delay, it is required to include charges in the expected cost.


Search for Tax Management Setup. On Purchase FastTab, check field Include Tax Charge in Purchase Expected Cost.

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Setup. On Purchase FastTab, check field Include Condition Charge in Expected Cost.

Set up Tax Charges for receipts on a location from your vendor, of type Charge(item). Setup Condition Rules for your vendor of type Charge(Item). Create a Purchase Order, select relevant items, and release. Check attached tax charges and condition charges or discounts were inserted.

Post the Receipt. Search for item ledger entries and check the Cost Amount(Expected). Drill down and see the specification in the value entries.

Post the Invoice. Search for item ledger entries and notice the Cost Amount(Expected) is set to zero,values entries were reversed for that well and actual cost value entries created.

PBI 216020 - Add “Total Unit Price” and “Total Line Amount” on all Sales Documents


Total amounts including attached charges in sales documents.


As a sales operator, you want to know the total price of an item that you sell, so you are able to inform the customer of the price including excises, deposits and discounts.


In a sales order line, it was already possible to add the fields Total Unit Price and Total Line Amount by Personalize your page. These fields are now also available in:

PBI 237500 - Reason code in standard sales and purchase code lines (FND) (for events a.o.)


Reason code in standard (recurring) sales and purchase code lines.


Order lines can be created using recurring sales resp. -purchase lines. The reason code was not part of that. Since it has become an important criterion in Drink-IT, in taxes, empty good deposits and sales and purchase conditions, it was added.


Search for Recurring Sales Lines. Open the card and create lines and fill the reason code with a specific value when wanted. When (blanket) order lines are created from the recurring sales code, they will inherit the reason code when set, else get the regular reason code for the document.

Search for Recurring Purchase Lines. Open the card and create lines and fill the reason code with a specific value when wanted. When (blanket) order lines are created from the recurring sales code, they will inherit the reason code when set, else get the regular reason code for the document.

PBI 243545 - Gross Net Price Info - Calculate Prices - Filter on Recurring Sales Lines


Gross Net Price Info - Calculate Prices - Filter on Recurring Sales Lines.


As a beverage company, you might have a webshop where your customers can login and order products (B2B). The prices that they see for the products are their customer specific prices, where taxes, discounts, charges and deposits are taken in account. In Drink-IT, you can create a flat table, the Gross Net Price List that contains all this info per customer/item combination that can be used by the webshop.

When your company has a lot of customers, and a lot of sales items, then due to this the table can contain millions of records. The calculation, where all the combinations are included, will take too much time. At the same time, your customers probably have standard orders with the products that they usually include in their orders. All other products can be ordered by them, but it is not necessary to show their specific price immediately.

As a sales manager, you want to be able to reduce the number of records that are created in the Gross Net Price List by calculating prices for products in the standard order only, so you are in control on your webshop prices.


  1. Select the Search icon , enter Gross Net Price List, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Gross Net Price List page, choose the Calculate Price action.
  3. On the Insert Price Info request page, select an option in the Recurring Sales field:
    • No Filter: the batch will not take any setup on recurring sales lines in account.
    • Only Includes: the batch will only calculate prices for items that are setup as Include in the Exclusivity Type field (Drink-IT Advanced Sales Management) in a Standard Sales Line for the customer.
    • Only Customer Specific: the batch will only calculate prices for items that are setup as Include in the Exclusivity Type field (Drink-IT Advanced Sales Management) in a Customer Specific(Drink-IT Advanced Sales Management) Standard Sales Line for the customer. If you only want to show customer specific prices in your B2B webshop for the products that are in the standard order for that customer, and show prices for other products on request, then the next approach could be applicable to keep control on your webshop prices:
      • Include the products that are in the standard order for the customer in a Customer Specific Recurring Sales Line.
      • Calculate Prices with the Only Customer Specific option.
      • Use an API in your webshop to calculate requested prices for other products that are allowed for the customer.

PBI 243033 - Aptean Beverage S/P attached lines are not correctly inserted with the item standard texts and error with expand/collapse lines


When extended text lines were setup for an item it could conflict with line no’s of attached Aptean Beverage charges (for tax, deposit or conditions). That has been resolved.

PBI 243615 - Gross Net Price List Calculation Performance


The performance of the price calculations in the Gross Net Price List is improved by using a better sequence in the calculation

PBI 245920 - Not able to release sales order due to new line numbering on insert


Not able to release sales order due to new line numbering on inserting extended texts.


The Base App of Microsoft Business Central included a change in version 22.0 that gave problems with inserting Drink-IT attached lines (Taxes, Deposits and Conditions) in combination with the function Insert Ext. Text in sales or purchase documents. This could lead to blocking errors in the release, post and apply changes functions in these documents.The main problem is solved, but there are still scenario’s that can lead to a blocking error:

  1. Reopen the document
  2. Delete the Extended Text lines that are attached to the line that gives the problem.
  3. When applicable: delete Mix & Match promotion lines that are attached to the line that gives the problem.
  4. When applicable: select the Mix & Match promotion again.
  5. Release the document
  6. Insert the Extended Text lines again.

Meanwhile, we continue to work on the final solution.

PBI 245892 - Attached to Line No, is not filled in sales lines after Get Shipment Lines, Get Receipt Lines


Attached to Line No, is not filled in sales lines after Get Shipment Lines, Get Receipt Lines


The Base App of Microsoft Business Central included a change in version 22.0 that gave problems with Drink-IT attached lines (Taxes,Deposits and Conditions) in these functions:

These problems are solved.

PBI 245771 - Create Corrective Financial Invoice - permission error


When you used the Financial Correct functions, a permission error was thrown. This is solved.