What's new in version 18.202205.0.0

Release Note • 7/6/2023 • 4 min read


PBI No.Description
216731Reorganize the Foundation Setup page
218013Suppress messages on changing FND fields on Item Card in batch mode (Rapid Start)
201746Invoice Periods for customer invoices and credit memos
217922Extend lot nos by bin fact box with expiration date and strength
217658Default Exp. Receipt date in purchase order


PBI No.Description
215171Quantity Transportation Unit updated wrong in ILE and jnl-Doc line

PBI 216731 - Reorganize the Foundation Setup page


Reorganize the Foundation Setup page.


A setup page should have a clear overview. Drink-IT introduces new features with every release. By adding new FastTabs and sections on the Drink-IT Foundation Setup, we improved the user experience on this page.


Choose the search icon, enter Drink-IT Foundation Setup, and then choose the related link.

PBI 218013 - Suppress messages on changing FND fields on Item Card in batch mode (Rapid Start)


Suppress messages on changing FND fields on Item Card in batch mode (Rapid Start)


When you change Drink-IT Foundation fields on the Item Card, like the volume or strength, the system will ask you to confirm the change and implement the changed value in open and posted entries. When you execute such change in bulk, for instance with the user of a Rapid Start Configuration Package, you don’t want to confirm these questions for every item that you are updating.


When Items are updated in batch mode, changes in Drink-IT Foundation fields are implement without any pop-up. Changes are implemented, including open and posted entries.

PBI 201746 - Invoice Periods for customer invoices and credit memos


Create periodic sales invoices and -credit memo’s based on the Invoice Period.


Companies agree with customers on invoicing deliveries in a defined Invoice period: per day, week, month, or custom defined(anything else). The combine shipments function in BC has no setup for that.


Open the Customer card, Fasttab Foundation. Fill field Invoice period with any of the values: blank, Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Custom. Or leave it blank and invoice from the order. In case of Custom set the Invoice Periods for customer invoices and credit memos yourself, like 2W. Sales orders and -return orders inherit it from the bill-co customer, but you may change it in the header, on Fasttab Foundation. When the Invoice Period has a value, you cannot post the invoice from the order or return order, only the shipment resp. receipt. Search for Create Period Invoices rep. Create Period Credit Memos. Select the Invoice Periods for customer invoices and credit memos you want to invoice, and define start-and end date, all orders with that Invoice period and a posting date in between the date filter will be included. Set the Posting date and Document date and define possible more filters you want. Sales invoices resp. Sales credit memos will be created and can be posted.

PBI 217922 - Extend lot nos by bin fact box with expiration date and strength


(First) Posting date and Expiration date added to the Lot information card and List page.


The std BC field Expiration date is a flow field that cannot be used in certain functions like the Lot nos by Bin fact box.

Drink-it Auto FEFO functions only work when a lot has an expiration date. It should be possible to calculate also when the item trackingcoder has no Expiration date. In this case the first (inbound) posting date should be leading (rather that the Lot no itself; purchased lot nos may not have a valid sorting on that).


Fields Expiration date and Posting date have been added to the Lot information and are filled on the first inbound posting. They are real fields and not flow fields.

In the bin content page and item bin content page the Fact box Lot nos by Bin shows a concatenated Lot no + Expiration date +strength1,2,3.

PBI 217658 - Default Exp. Receipt date in purchase order


Default Exp. Receipt date in purchase order


Business Central does not fill in the Expected Receipt Date in Purchase Orders. In Drink-IT Logistics and Drink-IT Sales and Purchase Conditions, this field can be a key field for calculations. To prevent yourself for mistakes, you want to be able to fill this field by default with the Posting Date, in the same way as Business Central is doing that with the Shipment Date in a Sales Order.


Choose search icon, enter Drink-IT Foundation Setup, and then choose the related link. On the Drink-IT Foundation Setup page, on the Application FastTab, select Workdate in the Default Expected Receipt Date field.

PBI 215171 - Quantity Transportation Unit updated wrong in ILE and jnl-Doc line


It is possible to change FND values on the item card even when there is history. After confirmation it updates them. That did not happen well with order- and journal lines when the quantity for the transportation UOM was changed. That has been resolved.