Posted external sales order

Article09/19/20242 min read

The Posted External Sales Order page mirrors the structure of the External Sales Order page, replicating all the fields and information. For more information, see External sales order.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Posted External Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Posted External Sales Orders list page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the relevant Posted External Sales Order page.

When the external sales order is posted, the system will only generate the general ledger and trade accrual entries for it. Inventory-related entries, such as item ledger or customer ledger entries, will not be created.


If the document is posted without any document trade lines, no entries will be created.

The system uses the values from the external sales lines to create trade accrual entries, as item ledger entries are not generated for these transactions. You also have the option to reverse the trade accrual entries. For more information about trade accrual entries, see Trade Accrual Entries.

Additionally, you can create trade statements for these trade accrual entries. For more information, see Trade statements.

If the Credit Sold By Customer toggle on the External Sales Order page is turned on, the system also creates customer ledger entries and posts sales journal lines related to the customer selected in the Sold By Customer No. field. While posting the sales journals, it uses the journal template, journal batch, and G/L accounts configured in the fields on the Indirect Sales FastTab of the External Sales Setup page.

When generating customer ledger entries, the system updates the entry for the sell-to customer with the associated currency code and converts the amount to the currency code of the sold-by customer. If either customer lacks an associated currency code, the system defaults to the local currency code specified in the LCY Code field on the General Ledger Setup page.