Manual or automatic expiration date calculation

Article12/15/20233 min read

The expiration date is needed for executing checks concerning the minimum shelf life and FEFO inventory warnings. When creating a lot number in the item tracking Lines, a notification will be triggered when it is required to manually fill the expiration date. When this is not the case and the field Expiration Calculation is filled on the Item Card, the expiration date will be automatically calculated and shown.

Manually enter an Expiration Date on the Item Tracking Lines

To inform the user that it is required to fill the expiration date, a notification is shown when entering a new item tracking line. This notification is triggered when the Require Expiration Dates toggle is turned on, on the Item Tracking Code Card page of the item tracking code selected on the Item Card of the used item.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Item Tracking Codes and then choose the related link.
    The Item Tracking Codes page opens.
  2. Select the required Code to open the Item Tracking Code Card page
  3. On the action bar, click Edit to edit the fields.
  4. On the Misc. FastTab, the Use Expiration Dates toggle must be turned on for the extension to work correctly.
    This specifies that items that use this item tracking code can have an expiration date and it enables checks for expiration dates.
  5. Turn on the Require Expiration Dates toggle.
    This specifies that items that use this item tracking code must have expiration dates. It will also remind users to manually enter an expiration date when creating a lot number.

This toggle can only be turned on after turning on the Use Expiration Dates toggle.

  1. On the Purchase Order page, on the Lines FastTab, on the action bar, click Line > Item Tracking Lines.
    The Item Tracking Lines page opens.
  2. On the action bar, click Actions > Functions > Assign Lot No.

The notification shows that it’s required to manually enter an expiration date on the item tracking lines when assigning a lot number.

Automatically calculate an Expiration Date on the Item Tracking Lines

The expiration date for a lot number is automatically calculated based on adding the expiration calculation to the document date when creating a new lot number. The required setup consists of filling a date formula in the Expiration Calculation field on the Item Card, and turning off the Require Expiration Dates toggle for the Item Tracking Code used for the item.

  1. Open the Item Card.
    The Expiration Calculation field must be filled with a date formula, example “365D”.
  2. Open the Item Tracking Lines on a Purchase Order.
  3. On the action bar, click Actions > Functions > Assign Lot No.

The Expiration Date is automatically calculated in the item tracking lines when creating a lot number, based on adding the expiration calculation to the document date.