Audit Trail

Article12/15/20231 min read

The audit trail contains the records that chronologically log the changes made when inserting or changing the expiration dates. It provides a historical record of progression based on a sequence of events and it can be used for multiple purposes. The audit trail records contain details that include information about date, time, user information and type of change.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Lot No. Information List and then choose the related link.
    The Lot No. Information List page opens.
  2. Select the required Lot No. to open the Lot No. Information Card page.
  3. On the action bar, click Related > Lot No. > Audit Trail Entries.
    The Audit Trail Entries page opens.

The audit trail records contain details that include date, time, user information and type of change associated with the transaction.

  • The column shows the Date and Time
  • The column shows the Type of Change


  • The column shows the Name of the field that is changed

The audit trail records contain details that include the old value and new value associated with the transaction.


  • The column shows the Old Value
  • The column shows the New Value