Setting up empty goods and deposit management

Article12/12/20231 min read

Before you can start using Aptean Beverage Empty Goods and Deposit Management there are few things to setup. You need to define for example which items are returnable items and to which full good items these returnable are included.

The following table describes a sequence of tasks, with links to the topics that describe them.

Setup empty goods business groups to classify your customers and vendors for empty goods and deposits.Setting up empty goods business groups
Set up your own empty goods codes that represent an empty good.Setting up empty good codes
Set up codes for your empty goods to classify items for empty goods.Setting up empty good codes classifications
Configure the rules that define the policies for empty goods calculations in transactions.Setting up empty goods rules
Setup general ledger accounts for deposits and create posting set up.Finance for deposits
Setup customers and sales deposit prices for empty goods.Sales for deposits
Setup vendors and purchase deposit prices for empty goods.Purchasing for deposits
Setup items for empty goods.Inventory for empty goods