Walkthrough: Empty goods and deposits in sales transactions

Article02/09/20246 min read

Our customer 20000 Selangorian Pub serves our CRONUS PREMIUM BEER from the draft. They buy a full pallet with 50L kegs. The deposit for a keg is 30.00.

Sales Order with returnable empties

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the action bar, select New to create a new entry.
  3. In the Customer field, enter the name Selangorian.
  4. Fill in lines:
  5. On the action bar, select Release (if the system asks you to connect this order to a call entry, choose yes).
  6. On the Lines FastTab, choose the Manage > Expand action.
  7. Verify the G/L Account line with description EMPTY KEG 50L, it should show:
    • account number 3021100 (Customer Deposit Payment on empty goods)
    • a line amount of 180.00
  8. Select the line of the Type = Item and choose the Related Information > Deposit Amount action.
  9. On the Document Empty Goods Lines page, verify the values. Hover over a field to read a short description.


The Customer (20000) in this exercise is set up with an Empty Goods Business Group.
This code (DEP):

  • Has Movement Type Deposit, which means that a deposit amount will be calculated on het invoice of the goods.

The Location (BLUE-BOND) in this exercise is set up with an Empty Goods Location Group (DEP).

The Item (1080) in this exercise is set up with an Empty Goods Code.
This code (KEG 50):

  • has account number 3021100 as Sales Deposit Account.
  • has an item classification that defines Item 9550 as the empty item.
  • has a rule that defines the Movement Type (Deposit) for the combination of:
    • Entry Type = Sale (we did a Sales Order)
    • Empty Goods Business Group = DEP (from our customer 20000)
    • Empty Goods Location Group = DEP (from our location BLUE-BOND)
    • When the system finds a match of the document line (our sales order line with item 1080) with an empty goods rule, the Movement Type of that rule will be applied on the document line.

In most cases it is not necessary to use Empty Goods Location Group. If your empty good and deposit policy is the same for all your locations, you don’t have to create them and the fields can be blank on the Location Card and on the Empty Goods Rules. Rules will be applied on all your locations.

Ship and Invoice Empty Goods

  1. On the Sales Order page, choose the Post (Ship) action.
  2. Choose the Shipments actions and choose Find Entries to verify the posting:
    • Open the Empty Goods Ledger Entry that was created with the posting.
    • The Quantity in the entry is 6.00, we shipped 6 empty 50L kegs to customer Selangorian (20000) that we now can trace.
    • The Invoiced Quantity and Deposit Amount in this entry is 0.00. We only shipped the goods and did not post the invoice yet.
  3. Go back to the sales order by closing pages.
  4. Choose the Post (Invoice) action and open the posted invoice.
  5. Choose the Find Entries action and verify the Empty Goods Ledger Entry that was created on the invoice action.
    • The Quantity in the entry is 0.00, the shipment was already done.
    • The Invoiced Quantity and Deposit Amount in this entry now have values.

The shipment and invoice posting both create their own empty goods ledger entry. They are connected to the transaction that created them and give you full overview on balances.

Empty Goods Balances and Empty Goods Statements

  1. Close all pages and go back to your role center.
  2. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
  3. Select Customer 20000 and choose the View action.
  4. On the Customer Card:
    • Verify the Deposit Amount and quantities per Empty goods item on the Empty Goods Balance FactBox. DrillDown to see the details.
    • On the action bar, select Reports > Empty Goods Statement:
      • On the Empty Goods Statement page, fill in Start Date January 1st 2022 and End Date January 31st 2022.
      • Preview, Print, or Send the statement:
        • Based on Shipments/Receipts: quantities are shown.
        • Based on Invoices/Credit Memos: amounts are shown.

Empty Goods Returns from Customers

It is common practice that customers return their empties when you deliver the goods that they ordered. Aptean Beverage Empty Goods and Deposit Management has some features that support you in this process in flexible way.

Our customer Deerfield Drinks (40000) is a retailer. Each week, they order products in crates. When we deliver them, we take the empties back.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select New to create a new entry.
  3. In the Customer field, enter the name Deerfield Drinks (40000).
  4. Fill in lines:
  5. Choose the Post (Ship) action (if the system asks you to connect this order to a call entry, choose yes).

The next step in this walkthrough is the registration of the returns. Multiple scenarios can be in place:

A. Combine the shipments and returns in one document, this sales order.
B. Register the returns in a separate return order.
C. Register the returns in a connected return order with the same document number as the order.

Scenario A.

  1. On the Sales Order, choose the Return Entry action.
  2. Enter Quantity 40 in the line for Item 9112 and close the page with applying changes.
  3. On the Sales Order, a new line for the return is created. Choose the Expand action to verify the return of deposit amounts for the empty crates and bottles.
  4. Choose the Post (Ship and Invoice) action.

Scenario B.

  1. On the Sales Order, choose the Return Entry action.
  2. Enter Quantity 40 in the line for Item 9112 and close the page with applying changes.
  3. On the Sales Order, a new line for the return is created.
  4. Choose the Expand action to verify the return of deposit amounts for the empty crates and bottles.
  5. Choose the Reopen action.
  6. Choose the Move Negative Lines action.
  7. On the Move Negative Sales Lines page, in the To Document Type field select Return Order and choose OK.
  8. Choose Yes to view the Return Order that was created.
  9. Choose the Post (Ship and Invoice) action.

Scenario C.

  1. On the Sales Order, choose the Return Entry action.
  2. Enter Quantity 40 in the line for Item 9112 and close the page with applying changes.
  3. On the Sales Order, a new line for the return is created.
  4. Choose the Expand action to verify the return of deposit amounts for the empty crates and bottles.
  5. Choose the Reopen action.
  6. Choose the DIT Move Negative Lines action.
  7. On the Move Negative Sales Lines page, select Return Order in the To Document Type field and choose OK.
  8. Choose Yes to view the Return Order that was created with the same No. as the Sales Order where it was created from.
  9. Choose the Post (Ship and Invoice) action