What's new in version 2505.0.0.0
With this release of the Aptean EDI extension,
- You can view the SenderGLN field value, which is inherited from the GLN field on the associated Company Information card page, when processing most of the Aptean EDI outbound ports.
- The Aptean EDI 812 OUT Posted Cr Memo port includes packaging allowances through the AllowanceSummary and AllowanceLine elements. This applies when the FB_PACKAGING_SUMMARY port option is set to True and the Aptean Packaging extension is installed.
- The system updates the VendorNumber field value with the EDI Vendor No. field value from the associated sell-to customer while processing the Aptean EDI 812 OUT Posted Cr Memo and Aptean EDI 812 OUT ports.
- The system updates the TypeOfPallet field value when processing the Aptean EDI 856 Level 4 port as per the following hierarchy:
- The translation value for the associated package type of the item on the EDI Translations page.
- The translation value of the associated item on the EDI Translations page.
- The Reference No. field value of the item reference for the Reference Type field value set as GS1 Packaging Code on the Item Reference Entries page.
- The carton type Code field value on the Packaging Types page for the associated item.
- The system updates the Delivery Starting Time, Delivery Ending Time, and Delivery Appointment Time field values on the Sales Order and corresponding posted sales document pages while processing the Aptean EDI 850 ports with values on the EarliestDeliveryDateTime, EarliestDeliveryDateTime, and RequestedDateTime field values in the inbound file. This functionality is applicable only when the Aptean Transport extension is installed.
- The Aptean EDI 856 message includes packaging detail elements following the ItemLevelRecord lines. This is applicable only when the Aptean Packaging extension is installed.
- When you release a purchase return order or transfer order, the system automatically creates a warehouse shipment and generates the message for Aptean EDI 940 port. This happens when the Create Pick Automation toggle on the associated Location Card page is turned on and the Pick Ticket Port Code field is set to Aptean 940.
- The field values of the inbound file are updated on the respective EDI Document and EDI Posted Document pages when processing Aptean EDI inbound ports. These values can also be manually defined using actions on the related documents. When processing Aptean EDI outbound ports, the field values defined on the EDI Document and EDI Posted Document pages are utilized in the outbound files.