What's new in version 2.1.220402.0

Release Note • 5/8/2023 • 4 min read


Eliminated Connection Types

The FTP and SFTP drop-down options are removed from the Type field of both the Inbound and Outbound connection types on the Default Connection FastTab of the EDI Setup page.

Added EDI Port Options

The EDI Port Option List page which you can access from the EDI Ports page by selecting Related > Options list on the action bar, now includes the following EDI port options:

You can add these options by using the RapidStart package. For more information, see Configuring Aptean EDI Using RapidStart.


When you set the Value field of the 810_SEND_TAX EDI port option to Yes, the total tax amount is displayed in the TotalSalesTaxAmount field of the relevant record. You can check this on the EDI Messages page. When the Value field is set to No, the total tax amount is not displayed in the relevant record.


You can enter the value of payment terms in the Value field of the 810_TERMS_TYPE EDI port option. It is displayed in the TermsType field of the relevant record on the EDI Messages page. Previously, this value was taken from the Payment Terms Code field of the Sales Invoice header.


When you set the Value field of the SEND_810_AFTER_856 EDI port option to Yes, you can process the sales invoice (SPS810) only after processing the sales shipment (SPS856). When you try to process it before, an error message will appear stating, “_ was skipped, ASN not processed.” When the Value field is set to No, you can process the sales invoice before posting the sales shipment.


When you set the Value field of the SYSTEMPRICE EDI port option to Yes, the unit price of the sales line is taken from the Sales Order page. It is displayed in the UnitPrice field of the relevant record on the EDI Messages page. When the Value field is set to No, the unit price of sales line is taken from the Item Reference Entries of the Item Card page.

Added Lot Number to EDI Messages Page

When you assign the lot number on the Sales Order page, it is displayed in the SerialLotNumber field under the KitSerialLot group of the relevant record. You can check this on the EDI Messages page.

Renamed Code Field

On the Shipping Agents page, the SCSC field is renamed as SCAC.

This SCAC field can be manually added, if required.

Improved the Flow of EDI Packages

A new EDI Packages action button is added under the EDI function of the Actions menu on the following pages:

You can open the EDI Package page by clicking Actions > EDI > EDI Packages. You can view the relevant EDI package record on the EDI Package page, if the record exists.

EDI Port Code

On the Customer Card page, a new Routing EDI Port Code field is added under the EDI FastTab where you can select the outbound EDI port code.

This release introduces new SPS753 and SPS754 routing EDI port codes.


You can use SPS753 EDI port code to export the shipping batch record through the EDI Messages page. On the Shipping Batch page, you can click Process > Send EDI Routing Request to create the relevant record on the EDI Messages page. Now, you can export the EDI message record by clicking the Process action on the EDI Messages page.


You can use SPS754 EDI port code to import the record into the Shipping Batches page through the EDI message record. You can only process the EDI message record if the document id of the importing record matches the document id on the Shipping Batches page.

Improved Flow of Appointment Reference Number

On the Warehouse Shipment page, the value you enter in the Appt. Reference No. field under the Shipping FastTab is automatically updated in the relevant sales order record and vice versa. When you post the warehouse shipment record, the same value is updated in the relevant posted warehouse shipment and posted sales shipment records.

Delocalization of XML Ports

Aptean EDI 810

When you have the VAT Setup configured, the values related to the VAT tax of the posted sales invoice is displayed on the Sales Invoice Statistics page.

Aptean EDI 856

On the Posted Sales Shipment page, the Package Tracking No. field is removed from the Lines FastTab.

Aptean EDI 940

The Print On Pick Ticket field is removed from the Comment Sheet page of the warehouse shipment record.

Aptean EDI 940 Inventory Pick

The Print On Pick Ticket field is removed from the Comment Sheet page of the inventory pick record.

Resolved issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release:

271697The tax amount values are not displayed on the EDI Messages page.
277755An error occurs while clicking on the EDI Packages action on the Posted Sales Shipment page.