XRM Toolkit

Article • 4/3/2023 • 2 min read


Install XRM Toolkit

  1. Make sure NuGet.Config in C:\\Users\\<yourusername>\\AppData\\Roaming\\NuGet only holds reference to:

    <add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3" />

    Select View and tick the checkbox against Hidden Items to show the AppData folder.

  2. Create folder C:\devtools

  3. Start PowerShell ISE (Run as administrator).

  4. Enter command: cd c:\\devtools in the command console and press enter.

  5. Open this link and select the Copy button to copy the latest Windows PowerShell script.

  6. Paste the script code in the top screen in Power Shell ISE and enter F5 to run the code.

  7. To start using the Data Migration tool, open the folder C:\devtools\ConfigurationMigration and run DataMigrationUtility.exe.