Mobile Warehouse Registration

Article11/21/20233 min read

In order to perform deployment of the Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration extension, the following instructions must first be followed:

PrerequisitesClick here
Mobile AppClick here


Because the Android Mobile app uses OAuth to access Business Central, an app registration has to be created that allows the connection to Business Central using OAuth.

  1. Create an App registration.
    For more information on creating an app registration, click here.
    For more information on the setup of the app registration, click here.

    Add the name for the new App Registration and select Public client/native (mobile & desktop) in the Redirect URI (optional) section and fill the URI:
    When finished select Register.

  2. Save Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID for later use in the Android Mobile App configuration.

  3. Select Authentication tab in the app registration.

  4. Select Add a platform and add Mobile and desktop applications. In the platform configuration created, add the Redirect URI:

  5. On the navigation menu, select API permissions.

  6. On the action bar, select + Add a permission.

    It is possible to quickly search for the permissions when adding them.

  7. Select Grant admin consent (you should have admin rights for this Azure tenant to be able to do this). For more information, click here.

Install Mobile App

You can download the Aptean Mobile Warehouse android app from the Google Play store and install it on mobile scanning devices.


  • Android Operating System
  • The Mobile App is tested on: Pie (version 9) API level 28, other versions are not tested.
  • The Mobile App can’t be installed on versions older than KitKat (version 4.4 - 4.4.4) API level 19.

In addition, the Zebra Datawedge is required. On Zebra Android devices, this software will be pre-installed in most of them. For more information about Zebra Datawedge, click here.

To download the Datawedge toolkit, click here. Please choose default configuration during setup.

On starting the Android Mobile app for the first time, enter the following information:

Tenant ID should be filled with the Directory (tenant) ID from the App Registration created for the Mobile OAuth connection.

Client ID should be filled with the Application (client) ID from the App Registration created for the Mobile OAuth connection.

URL should be the URL to connect to the MWR WebService in the specific environment to be used:<Tenant>/<Environment>/WS/<Company>

Tenant: Depending on the setup in Azure Active Directory, your domain name or tenant ID should be used.

Environment: The environment name to be used, for example Sandbox or Production.

Company: This should be the Company to be used to login to. For example, both CRONUS USA, Inc. and CRONUS%20USA%2C%20Inc. is a valid configuration.

Setup Mobile App Defaults and Translations

In Business Central, on the Mobile Setup page, you can create the default setup which also adds the default ENU translations into the Mobile translations table.

The translations can be viewed via:

In addition to the ENU language, a rapid start package is available with an additional 12 languages to import into this table. To download the package, click here.

Languages can be deleted from the file or before applying the rapid start package data in Business Central. But this applies only to specific languages.

For more information about rapid start packages, click here.


When the Create Default Setup action is run again, all translations will be reset to ENU records and additional languages need to be imported again via the rapid start package.