Create Consolidated Invoice

Article06/07/20242 min read

To combine multiple shipments for a customer into a single invoice:

  1. Open the Customers page
  2. On the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Combine Shipment By.
    The Combine Shipments report page opens. Alternatively, you can also open this page via the search option.
  3. On the Options FastTab, in the Posting Date and Document Date fields, select the required dates to create the invoices.
  4. Turn on the following toggles based on your requirements:
Calc. Inv. DiscountAllow the system to automatically calculate the invoice discount amount during the shipment process.
Post InvoicesPost the invoices.
Only Std. Payment TermsInclude the shipments with standard payment terms, and you will need to invoice all other shipments manually.
Copy Text LinesCopy the shipment lines to the invoice.

If the Combine Shipment By field is set as Default on the Shipping FastTab, the system will run as standard Business Central and create one invoice per bill to the customer in the shipment documents.

  1. On the Sales Shipment Header FastTab, use the following fields to filter shipments.
Sell-to Customer No.Select the appropriate sell-to customer number to filter shipments specifically for the sell-to customer.
Bill-to Customer No.Select the relevant bill-to customer number to filter shipments for the specified bill-to customer.

By selecting the relevant customer number in these fields, you can ensure that only the shipments associated with the selected sell-to or bill-to customer are consolidated into a single invoice.