Combine Shipments Setup

Article06/07/20242 min read

You can use the combine shipments setup to combine shipments into a single invoice with the help of the Combine Shipment By & Period Start of Week fields on the Customer Card page.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
    The Customers page opens.
  2. Select ther required customer No. from the list.
  3. On the Shipping FastTab, in the Combine Shipment By field, select the required option from the drop-down menu. The availabe options are listed in the following table:
DefaultCombine multiple shipments into a single invoice based on standard Business Central functionality by running the Combine Shipments report.
DateCombine multiple shipments into a single invoice for the specified date.
WeekCombine multiple shipments into a single invoice for the specified week.
MonthCombine multiple shipments into a single invoice for the specified month.
OrderCombine multiple shipments for a customer into a single invoice based on the orders. Separate invoices will be created for each order placed by the selected customers.
ShipmentCombine multiple shipments for a customer into individual invoices based on the shipments completed for each order.
  1. In the Period Start of Week field, select the first day of the week for the invoice from the drop-down menu if you combine multiple shipments into a single invoice by week. The default day of the week is Sunday.
    You can perform this function on the following pages:
  • Sales orders

  • Posted Sales Shipments

  • Sales Invoices


    The Combine Shipment By is an add-on feature to the existing Business Central Combine Shipment report. You must turn on the Combine Shipments toggle on the Customer Card page.

  1. In the Combine Shipment Per field, select the required option from the following list:
    • Sell-to Customer – Select this option if you want to combine shipments for the sell-to customer into one invoice. This is useful when you have multiple shipments going to the same customer and you prefer to streamline the billing process by issuing one invoice instead of multiple ones. This is the default option

    • Bill-to Customer - Select this option if you want to combine shipments based on the bill-to customer. This is useful when you have different sell-to customers who are billed to a single customer. By choosing this option, all shipments billed to the same customer will be combined into a single invoice.


    This field is visible only when the Combine Shipment By field is set to Date, Week, and Month.