Sales Contract

Article05/15/202413 min read

A sales contract is a legally binding agreement between a buyer and a seller, defining the terms and conditions of a transaction. It specifies the goods or services sold, price, payment terms, delivery terms, warranties, and other relevant provisions. Sales contracts help businesses formalize agreements, minimize disputes, and establish a legal framework, fostering trust and accountability in business relationships. With this feature you can create, view, and edit sales contracts. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Contracts, and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Contracts list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Sales Contract card page opens.
  3. On the Sales Contract page, fill in the following fields:
    On the General FastTab,
No.Specifies the number of the involved entry or record, according to the specified number series.
Customer No.Specifies the number of the customer who will receive the products and be billed by default.
Customer NameSpecifies the name of the customer who will receive the products and be billed by default.
AddressSpecifies the address where the customer is located.
Address 2Specifies the additional address information.
CitySpecifies the city of the customer on the sales document.
Post CodeSpecifies the postal code.
Country/Region CodeSpecifies the country or region of the address.
Contact No.Specifies the number of the contact person that the sales document will be sent to.
Phone No.Specifies the telephone number of the contact person that the sales document will be sent to.
Mobile Phone No.Specifies the mobile telephone number of the contact person that the sales document will be sent to.
EmailSpecifies the email address of the contact person that the sales document will be sent to.
ContactSpecifies the primary contact person’s name at the customer’s organization.
No. of Archived VersionsSpecifies the number of archived versions for this document.
Document DateSpecifies the date when the related document was created.
Document TypeSpecifies the type of document that is being created.
Posting DateSpecifies the date when the posting of the sales document will be recorded.
Order DateSpecifies the date the order was created. The order date is also used to determine the prices and discounts on the document.
Contract Start DateSpecifies the start date of contract defined by the user. This should always be defined before the end date, otherwise the system will fail to register the time range.
Contract End DateSpecifies the end date of the contract. This defines the validity of the sales contract. After the defined time range, the sales contract is invalid, and you won’t be allowed to create a new Sales order/line based on the contract.
Contract QuantitySpecifies the cumulative quantity of all the line items. By selecting the quantity, you can access a comprehensive summary of all line items on the Sales contract page.
Due DateSpecifies when the related sales invoice must be paid.
Requested Delivery DateSpecifies the date that the customer has asked for the order to be delivered.
Promised Delivery DateSpecifies the date promised for order delivery as a result of the order promising function.
External Document No.Specifies a document number that refers to the customer’s or vendor’s numbering system.
Your ReferenceSpecifies the customer’s reference for inclusion on sales documents.
Salesperson CodeSpecifies the code of the salesperson who is assigned to the customer.
Campaign No.Specifies the number of the campaign that the document is linked to.
Opportunity No.Specifies the number of the opportunity that the sales quote is assigned to.
Responsibility CenterSpecifies the code of the responsibility center, such as a distribution hub, that is associated with the involved user, company, customer, or vendor.
Assigned User IDSpecifies the ID of the user who is responsible for the document.
StatusSpecifies whether the document is open, waiting to be approved, has been invoiced for prepayment, or has been released to the next stage of processing.
Contract ClosedSpecifies whether the contract is closed. This is a read-only field and depends on the state of the contract closed checkbox on the Lines FastTab. To enable this, you must select the contract closed checkboxes for all the line items. You cannot add/delete line items when the contract is closed.
Use Contract Ship-to AddressSpecifies whether the Ship-to Address configured in the defined contract should be used for the associated sales order. When turned off, the sales orders inherit the Ship-to Address from the associated customer card.

On the Lines FastTab,

TypeSpecifies the type of transaction that will be posted with the document line. If you select Comment, then you can enter any text in the Description field, such as a message to a customer.
No.Specifies what you are selling, such as a product or a fixed asset. You’ll see different lists of things to choose from depending on your choice in the Type field.
Item Reference No.Specifies a reference to the item number as defined by the vendor or customer, or the item’s barcode.
Contract ClosedSpecifies whether the contract is closed for the defined line item.
DescriptionSpecifies a description of the item or service on the line.
Contract Alternate Item ExistsSpecifies if alternate items are configured for the items defined in the contract.
Location CodeSpecifies the inventory location from which the items sold should be picked and where the inventory decrease is registered.
Contract Qty.Specifies the quantity of the sales order line.
Qty. to Assemble to OrderSpecifies how many units of the blanket sales line quantity that you want to supply by assembly.
Reserved QuantitySpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been reserved.
Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies how each unit of the item or resource is measured, such as in pieces or hours. By default, the value in the Base Unit of Measure field on the item or resource card is inherited.
Contract Start DateSpecifies the start date of contract defined by the user. This should always be defined before the end date, otherwise the system will fail to register the time range.
Contract End DateSpecifies the end date of the contract. This defines the validity of the sales contract. After the defined time range, the sales contract is invalid, and you won’t be allowed to create a new Sales order/line based on the contract.
Applied direct unit priceSpecifies the direct unit price extracted from the Applied Sales Price for this line. Altering this value will simulate the application of the Manual Price from the Applied Sales Price and Discount page.
Applied discount valueSpecifies the discount value applied from the Applied Sales Discount for this line. Altering this value will simulate the use of Manual Discount from the Applied Sales Price and Discount page.
Applied Price Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the unit of measure code retrieved from the Applied Sales Price for this line. Altering this value will simulate the application of the Manual Price from the Applied Sales Price and Discount page.
Unit Price Excl. TaxSpecifies the price for one unit on the sales line.
Tax Area CodeSpecifies the tax area that is used to calculate and post sales tax.
Tax Group CodeSpecifies the tax group code for the tax-detail entry.
Line Discount %Specifies the discount percentage that is granted for the item on the line.
Line Amount Excl. VATSpecifies the net amount, excluding any invoice discount amount, that must be paid for products on the line.
Contract Qty. ShippedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as shipped.
Contract Qty. InvoicedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as invoiced.
Contract Qty. ReturnedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as returned.
Contract Qty. CreditedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as credited.
Contract Qty. OutstandingSpecifies how many units of the item on the contract line have been posted as outstanding. This value is defined using the formula (Contract Qty – Qty. on open purchase order line - Qty received and invoiced + Qty. on posted purchase returns line and purchase credit memo line).
Contract Qty. On OrderSpecifies the contract quantity defined in the order.
Contract Qty. On Order (Base)Specifies the contract quantity defined in the order expressed in base units of measure.
Contract Qty. RemainingSpecifies the remaining contract quantity that needs to be processed.
Qty. to ShipSpecifies the quantity of items that remain to be shipped.
Quantity ShippedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as shipped.
Qty. to InvoiceSpecifies the quantity that remains to be invoiced. It is calculated as Quantity - Quantity Invoiced.
Quantity InvoicedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as invoiced.
Qty. to AssignSpecifies how many units of the item charge will be assigned to the line.
Item Charge Qty. to HandleSpecifies the quantity of items to which the charge will be assigned on the line. It can be either equal to Qty. to Assign or zero. If it is zero, the item charge will not be assigned to the line.
Qty. AssignedSpecifies the quantity of the item charge that was assigned to a specified item when you posted this sales line.
Planned Delivery DateSpecifies the planned date that the shipment will be delivered to the customer’s address. If the customer requests a delivery date, the system calculates whether the items will be available for delivery on this date. If the items are available, the planned delivery date will be the same as the requested delivery date. If not, the system calculates the date that the items are available for delivery and enters this date in the Planned Delivery Date field.
Planned Shipment DateSpecifies the date on which the shipment is scheduled to depart from the warehouse. If the customer requests a delivery date, the system calculates the planned shipment date by subtracting the shipping time from the requested delivery date. If the customer does not request a delivery date or the requested delivery date cannot be met, the system calculates the content of this field by adding the shipment time to the shipping date.
Shipment DateSpecifies when items on the document are shipped or were shipped. A shipment date is usually calculated from a requested delivery date plus lead time.
Subtotal Excl. VAT(GBP)Specifies the sum of the value in the Line Amount Excl. VAT field on all lines in the document.
Inv. Discount Amount Excl. VAT (GBP)Specifies a discount amount that is deducted from the value of the Total Incl. VAT field, based on sales lines where the Allow Invoice Disc. field is selected. You can enter or change the amount manually.
Invoice Discount %Specifies a discount percentage that is applied to the invoice, based on sales lines where the Allow Invoice Disc. field is selected. The percentage and criteria are defined on the Customer Invoice Discounts page, but you can enter or change the percentage manually.
Total Excl. VAT (GBP)Specifies the sum of the value in the Line Amount Excl. VAT field on all lines in the document minus any discount amount in the Invoice Discount Amount field.
Total VAT (GBP)Specifies the sum of VAT amounts on all lines in the document.
Total Incl. VAT (GBP)Specifies the sum of the value in the Line Amount Incl. VAT field on all lines in the document minus any discount amount in the Invoice Discount Amount field.
  1. On the Lines FastTab, select Manage > Related Sales Documents.
    The Related Sales Contract Documents page opens.
    You can obtain a comprehensive overview of the sales documents linked to the selected line item, including sales-related information such as related sales orders, posted sales shipments, posted sales invoices, and posted sales return receipts.

On the Invoice Details FastTab,

Currency CodeSpecifies the currency of amounts on the sales document.
Company Bank Account CodeSpecifies the code for your company’s bank account. Used for internal tracking and transactions.
Prices Including VATSpecifies if the Unit Price and Line Amount fields on document lines should be shown with or without VAT.
VAT Bus. Posting GroupSpecifies the VAT specification of the involved customer or vendor to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate general ledger account according to the VAT posting setup.
Customer Posting GroupSpecifies the customer’s market type to link business transactions to.
Payment Terms CodeSpecifies the code defining payment schedule terms, including due dates, early payment discounts, and late penalties, streamlining financial processes.
EU 3-Party TradeSpecifies if the transaction is related to trade with a third party within the EU.
Shortcut Dimension 1 CodeSpecifies the code for Shortcut Dimension 1, which is one of two global dimension codes that you set up on the General Ledger Setup page.
Shortcut Dimension 2 CodeSpecifies the code for Shortcut Dimension 2, which is one of two global dimension codes that you set up on the General Ledger Setup page.
Payment Discount %Specifies the payment discount percentage granted if the customer pays on or before the date entered in the Pmt. Discount Date field.
Pmt. Discount DateSpecifies the date on which the amount in the entry must be paid for a payment discount to be granted.
Direct Debit Mandate IDSpecifies the direct-debit mandate that the customer has signed to allow direct debit collection of payments.

On the Shipping and Billing FastTab,

Ship- toSpecifies the address that the products on the sales document are shipped to. Default (Sell-to Address): The same as the customer’s sell-to address. Alternate Ship-to Address: One of the customer’s alternate ship-to addresses. Custom Address: Any ship-to address that you specify in the relevant fields.
ContactSpecifies the name of the contact person at the address to which products on the sales document will be shipped.
CodeSpecifies how items on the sales document are shipped to the customer.
AgentSpecifies which shipping agent is used to transport the items to the customer on the sales document.
Agent ServiceSpecifies the code that represents the default shipping agent service you are using for this sales order.
Package Tracking No.Specifies the unique identifier assigned for each package, facilitating precise monitoring from sender to recipient. Employ this code to track your package’s real-time progress and location.
Bill-toSpecifies the customer that the sales invoice will be sent to. Default (Customer): The same as the customer on the sales invoice. Another Customer: Any customer that you specify in the relevant fields.
Location CodeSpecifies the location from where inventory items shipped on the sales document are to be shipped to the customer by default.
Shipment DateSpecifies when items on the document are shipped or were shipped. A shipment date is usually calculated from a requested delivery date plus lead time.
Shipping AdviceSpecifies if the customer accepts partial shipment of orders.
Outbound Whse. Handling TimeSpecifies a date formula for the time it takes to prepare items for shipping from this location. The time element is used in calculating the delivery date as follows: Shipment Date + Outbound Warehouse Handling Time = Planned Shipment Date + Shipping Time = Planned Delivery Date.
Shipping TimeSpecifies the duration from when the items are shipped from the warehouse to when they are delivered.
Late Order ShippingSpecifies a delay in the shipment of one or more lines, or that the shipment date is either the same or earlier than the work date.
Combine ShipmentsSpecifies whether the order will be included upon using the Combine Shipments action.
Completely ShippedSpecifies whether all the items on the order have been shipped or, in the case of inbound items, completely received.