Purchase Contract

Article05/15/202414 min read

You can create, view, and edit contracts on the Purchase Contracts page. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Purchase Contracts, and then choose the related link.
    The Purchase Contracts list page opens.

  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Purchase Contract card page opens.

  3. On the Purchase Contract page, fill in the following fields:
    On the General FastTab,

    No.Specifies the number of the involved entries or records according to the specified number series defined on the Purchases & Payables Setup. The system won’t allow you to create a purchase contract if the number series hasn’t been defined.
    Vendor No.Specifies the number of the vendor who delivers the products.
    Vendor NameSpecifies the name of the vendor who delivers the products.
    AddressSpecifies the address of the vendor who ships the items.
    Address 2Specifies additional address information of the vendor.
    CitySpecifies the city of the vendor who ships the items.
    Post CodeSpecifies the postal code of the vendor’s address.
    Country/RegionSpecifies the country or region of the defined address.
    Contact No.Specifies the number of your contact at the vendor.
    Phone No.Specifies the telephone number of the person to contact about an order from this vendor.
    Mobile Phone No.Specifies the mobile telephone number of the person to contact about an order from this vendor.
    EmailSpecifies the email address of the person to contact about an order from this vendor.
    ContactSpecifies the name of the person to contact about the shipment of the item from this vendor.
    Document DateSpecifies the date when the related document was created.
    Document TypeSpecifies the type of document that is being created.
    Posting DateSpecifies the date when the posting of the purchase document will be recorded.
    Due DateSpecifies the date when the related sales invoice must be paid.
    Vendor Invoice No.Specifies the document number of the original document you received from the vendor. You can require the document number for posting, or leave it optional. By default, it’s required, so that this document references the original. Making document numbers optional removes a step from the posting process. For example, if you attach the original invoice as a PDF, you might not need to enter the document number. To specify whether document numbers are required, in the Purchases & Payables Setup page, select or clear the Ext. Doc. No. Mandatory field.
    Your ReferenceSpecifies the vendor’s reference.
    Purchaser CodeSpecifies the code to define the purchaser that is assigned to the vendor.
    No. of Archived VersionsSpecifies the number of archived versions for this document.
    Order DateSpecifies the date when the associated purchase order was created.
    Contract Start DateSpecifies the start date of the contract defined by the user. This should always be defined before the end date otherwise the system will fail to register the time range.
    Contract End DateSpecifies the end date of the contract. This defines the validity of the purchase contract. After the defined time range, the purchase contract is invalid, and you won’t be allowed to create a new purchase order/line based on the contract.
    Contract QuantitySpecifies the cumulative quantity of all the line items. By selecting the quantity, you can access a comprehensive summary of all line items on the purchase contract page.
    Quote No.Specifies the quote number for the associated purchase order.
    Vendor Order No.Specifies the vendor’s order number.
    Vendor Shipment No.Specifies the vendor’s shipment number.
    Responsibility CenterSpecifies the code of the responsibility center, such as a distribution hub, that is associated with the involved user, company, customer, or vendor.
    Assigned User IDSpecifies the ID of the user who is responsible for the document.
    StatusSpecifies whether the record is open, waiting to be approved, invoiced for prepayment, or released to the next stage of processing.
    Contract ClosedSpecifies whether the contract is closed. This is a read-only field and depends on the state of the contract closed checkbox on the lines FastTab. To enable this, you must select the contract closed checkboxes for all the line items. You cannot add/delete line items when the contract is closed.
    Subtotal Excl. VAT(GBP)Specifies the sum of the value in the Line Amount Excl. VAT field on all lines in the document.
    Inv. Discount Amount (GBP)Specifies a discount amount that is deducted from the value of the Total Incl. VAT field, based on purchase lines where the Allow Invoice Disc. field is selected. You can enter or change the amount manually.
    Invoice Discount %Specifies a discount percentage that is applied to the invoice based on purchase lines where the Allow Invoice Disc. field is selected. The percentage and criteria are defined on the Vendor Invoice Discounts page, but you can enter or change the percentage manually.
    Total Excl. VAT(GBP)Specifies the sum of the value in the Line Amount Excl. VAT field on all lines in the document minus any discount amount in the Invoice Discount Amount field.
    Total VAT (GBP)Specifies the sum of VAT amounts on all lines in the document.
    Total Incl. VAT (GBP)Specifies the sum of the value in the Line Amount Incl. VAT field on all lines in the document minus any discount amount in the Invoice Discount Amount field.

If you haven’t defined the Purchase Contract Nos. on the Number Series FastTab of Purchases & Payables Setup, the system won’t allow you to create a purchase contract. To know more, see Purchases & Payables Setup.

On the Lines FastTab ,

TypeSpecifies the type of transaction that will be posted with the document line. If you select Comment, then you can enter any text in the Description field, such as a message to a customer.
No.Specifies what you are buying, such as a product or a fixed asset. You’ll see different lists of things to choose from depending on your choice in the Type field.
Item Reference No.Specifies the referenced item number.
Contract ClosedSpecifies whether the contract is closed for the defined line item.
DescriptionDescribes what is being purchased. The suggested text comes from the item itself. You can change it to suit your needs for this document. If you change it here, the source of the text will not change. If the line’s Type field is set to Comment, you can use this field to write the comment and leave the other fields empty.
Contract Alternate Item ExistsSpecifies whether an alternate item has been defined for the item selected on the purchase contract.
Location CodeSpecifies a code for the location where you want the items to be placed when they are received.
Bin CodeSpecifies the bin where the items are picked or put away.
Contract QtySpecifies the quantity of the defined item. The number is based on the unit chosen in the Unit of Measure Code field.
Contract Qty (Base)Specifies the quantity of the defined item. The number is based on the unit chosen in the Unit of Measure Code field.
Contract Qty on OrdersSpecifies the contract quantity defined in the order.
Contract Qty on Orders (Base)Specifies the contract quantity defined in the order expressed in base units of measure.
Contract Qty ReceivedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as received.
Contract Qty InvoicedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as invoiced.
Contract Qty OutstandingSpecifies how many units of the item on the contract line have been posted as outstanding. This value is defined using the formula (Contract Qty – Qty. on open purchase order line - Qty received and invoiced + Qty. on posted purchase returns line and purchase credit memo line).
Reserved QuantitySpecifies how many item units on this line have been reserved.
Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies how each unit of the item or resource is measured, such as in pieces or hours. By default, the value in the Base Unit of Measure field on the item or resource card is inserted.
Direct Unit Cost Excl. VATSpecifies the price of one unit of what you’re buying.
Tax Area CodeSpecifies the tax group that is used to calculate and post sales tax.
Tax Group CodeSpecifies the tax group that is used to calculate and post sales tax.
Line Amount Excl. VATSpecifies the net amount, excluding any invoice discount amount, that must be paid for products on the line.
Qty. to ReceiveSpecifies the quantity of items that remains to be received.
Quantity ReceivedSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as received.
Qty. to InvoiceSpecifies the quantity that remains to be invoiced. It is calculated as Quantity - Qty. Invoiced.
Qty. to AssignSpecifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as invoiced.
Item Charge Qty. to HandleSpecifies how many items the item charge will be assigned to on the line. It can be either equal to Qty. to Assign or to zero. If it is zero, the item charge will not be assigned to the line.
Qty. AssignedSpecifies how much of the item charge that has been assigned.
Promised Receipt DateSpecifies the date that the vendor has promised to deliver the order.
Planned Receipt DateSpecifies the date when the item is planned to arrive in inventory. Forward calculation: planned receipt date = order date + vendor lead time (per the vendor calendar and rounded to the next working day in first the vendor calendar and then the location calendar). If no vendor calendar exists, then the planned receipt date = order date + vendor lead time (per the location calendar). Backward calculation: order date = planned receipt date - vendor lead time (per the vendor calendar and rounded to the previous working day in first the vendor calendar and then the location calendar). If no vendor calendar exists, then the order date = planned receipt date - vendor lead time (per the location calendar).
Expected Receipt DateSpecifies the date you expect the items to be available in your warehouse. If you leave the field blank, the expected receipt date will be calculated as the sum of Planned Receipt Date, Safety Lead Time, and Inbound Warehouse Handling Time
Contract Start DateSpecifies the start date of the contract defined by the user on the General FastTab .
Contract End DateSpecifies the end date of the contract defined by the user on the General FastTab.
Over-Receipt QuantitySpecifies the amount by which the received quantity exceeds the expected quantity. This helps track any surplus or additional items received beyond what was originally anticipated.
Over-Receipt CodeSpecifies a code relevant to the amount by which the received quantity exceeds the expected quantity.
  1. On the Lines FastTab, select Line > Unposted Lines to view unposted line items linked to various documents associated with the defined purchase contract.
    You can also view the posted line items by selecting Line > Posted Lines and then selecting the desired document.

You cannot add line items without defining the Contract Start Date and Contract End Date fields on the General FastTab.

On the Invoice Details FastTab,

Currency CodeSpecifies the currency of amounts on the purchase document.
Expected Receipt DateSpecifies the date you expect the items to be available in your warehouse. If you leave the field blank, it will be calculated as follows: Planned Receipt Date + Safety Lead Time + Inbound Warehouse Handling Time = Expected Receipt Date.
Prices Including VATSpecifies if the Unit Price and Line Amount fields on document lines should be shown with or without VAT.
VAT Bus. Posting GroupSpecifies the VAT specification of the involved customer or vendor to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate general ledger account according to the VAT posting setup.
Vendor Posting GroupSpecifies the vendor’s market type to link business transactions to.
Payment Terms CodeSpecifies a formula that calculates the payment due date, payment discount date, and payment discount amount.
Payment Method CodeSpecifies the code to define the method of payment, such as with bank transfer, cash, or check.
Shortcut Dimension 1 CodeSpecifies the code for Shortcut Dimension 1, which is one of two global dimension codes that you set up on the General Ledger Setup page.
Shortcut Dimension 2 CodeSpecifies the code for Shortcut Dimension 2, which is one of two global dimension codes that you set up on the General Ledger Setup page.
Payment Discount %Specifies the payment discount percent granted if payment is made on or before the date in the Pmt. Discount Date field.
Pmt. Discount DateSpecifies the date on which the amount in the entry must be paid for a payment discount to be granted.
Journal Template NameSpecifies the name of the journal template in which the purchase header is to be posted.
Tax LiableSpecifies if this vendor charges you sales tax for purchases.
Tax Area CodeSpecifies the tax area code used for this purchase to calculate and post sales tax.
Shipment Method CodeSpecifies the delivery conditions of the related shipment, such as free on board (FOB).
Payment ReferenceSpecifies the payment of the purchase invoice.
Creditor No.Specifies the number of the vendor.
On HoldSpecifies that the related entry represents an unpaid invoice for which either a payment suggestion, a reminder, or a finance charge memo exists.
Inbound Whse. Handling TimeSpecifies the time it takes to make items part of available inventory, after the items have been posted as received.
Lead Time CalculationSpecifies a date formula for the time it takes to replenish the item.
Requested Receipt DateSpecifies the date that you want the vendor to deliver to the ship-to address.
Promised Receipt DateSpecifies the date that the vendor has promised to deliver the order.

On the Shipping and Payment FastTab,

Ship-toSpecifies the address that the products on the purchase document are shipped to. Default (Company Address): The same as the company address specified on the Company Information page. Location: One of the company’s location addresses. Customer Address: Used in connection with drop shipment. Custom Address: Any ship-to address that you specify in the fields below.
NameSpecifies the name of the company at the address that you want the items on the purchase document to be shipped to.
AddressSpecifies the address that you want the items on the purchase document to be shipped to.
Address 2Specifies additional address information.
CitySpecifies the city of the vendor on the purchase document.
CountrySpecifies the state, province or county of the address.
Post CodeSpecifies the postal code of the address that you want the items on the purchase document to be shipped to.
Country/RegionSpecifies the name of a contact person for the address that you want the items on the purchase document to be shipped to.
ContactSpecifies the name of a contact person for the address that you want the items on the purchase document to be shipped to.
Pay-toSpecifies the vendor to whom the purchase document will be paid. Default (Vendor): The same as the vendor on the purchase document. Another Vendor: Any vendor that you specify in the fields below.
Remit-to CodeSpecifies the code for the vendor’s remit address for this order.

On the Foreign Trade FastTab,

Transaction SpecificationSpecifies a specification of the document’s transaction for the purpose of reporting to INTRASTAT.
Transaction TypeSpecifies the type of transaction that the document represents for the purpose of reporting to INTRASTAT.
Transport MethodSpecifies the transport method for the purpose of reporting to INTRASTAT.
Entry PointSpecifies the code of the port of entry where the items pass into your country/region for reporting to Intrastat.
AreaSpecifies the destination country or region for the purpose of Intrastat reporting.

On the Prepayment FastTab,

Prepayment %Specifies the prepayment percentage to use to calculate the prepayment for sales.
Compress PrepaymentSpecifies that prepayments on the purchase order are combined if they have the same general ledger account for prepayments or the same dimensions.
Prepmt. Payment Terms CodeSpecifies the code that represents the payment terms for prepayment invoices related to the purchase document.
Prepayment Due DateSpecifies when the prepayment invoice for this purchase order is due.
Prepmt. Payment Discount %Specifies the payment discount percent granted on the prepayment if the vendor pays on or before the date entered in the Prepmt. Pmt. Discount Date field.
Prepmt. Pmt. Discount DateSpecifies the last date the vendor can pay the prepayment invoice and still receive a payment discount on the prepayment amount.
Vendor Cr. Memo No.Specifies the number that the vendor uses for the purchase order.

Alternatively, you can create a new Purchase Contract using the Copy Document action.

  1. On the Purchase Contract page, on the action bar, select Process > Functions > Copy Document.
    The Copy Purchase Document page opens.
  2. In the Document Type field, select Contract.
  3. Enter Document No.
  4. Click OK.
    The purchase contract is created.

You can also create a purchase order directly from the defined purchase contract. For more information, see Create purchase order associated with the purchase contract.