
Article04/16/20242 min read

Aptean Advanced Pricing

You can use the Aptean Contract Management extension in conjunction with the Aptean Advanced Pricing extension to view the pricing details linked to the specified item in the purchase contract on the Applied Purchase Prices and Discounts page.


  • When a purchase order is created from a purchase contract, the price of the item on the purchase order will be determined by the system according to the following order of priority: Purchase contract takes precedence over the price list retrieved from the Aptean Advanced Pricing extension, which in turn takes precedence over the item card.[ Purchase Contract > Price list from Aptean Advance Pricing extension > Item Card].
  • In sales orders generated from a sales contract, the pricing hierarchy is as follows: the sales contract takes precedence over the price list from the Aptean Advanced Pricing extension, taking precedence over the item card. [ Sales Contract > Price list from Aptean Advance Pricing extension > Item Card].

  • Aptean Over Under Delivery

    You can use the Aptean Contract Management extension in conjunction with the Aptean Over Under Delivery extension to receive quantities higher than those ordered, following an over-receive policy set up on the Over-Receipt Codes page. By specifying the Over-Receipt Tolerance % and selecting a default policy, you can establish parameters for handling over-delivery. Contract management enables exceeding receivables on purchase orders when an over-receipt code applies, resulting in a negative outstanding quantity on the contract.

    Additionally, the Aptean Over Under Delivery extension allows receiving or shipping more or less than the originally ordered quantity on purchase orders and sales orders. Contract management will accommodate this tolerance allowance in related purchase orders and sales orders when over-receipt is applicable in the associated purchase contract and sales contract .