Vendor compliance documents

Article07/22/20243 min read

On the Vendor Compliance Documents page, you can link multiple compliance documents (previously set up on the Compliance Documents page to a vendor. These compliance documents will then default as purchase compliance documents in the purchase order process for that vendor.


In the vendor compliance document, you can fill in more specific information about the compliance document, such as a request and document date.

For each document, you can specify if the document is only applicable to specific items and/or item attributes. The values are automatically inherited when assigning an existing compliance document to the vendor compliance document.

Set the Vendor Compliance Documents

You can view all the vendor compliance documents by accessing the page through the Search function. However, if you open the page from the Vendor card or from the Vendor list,you can also view the vendor compliance documents specific to that vendor.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Vendor Compliance Documents, and then choose the related link.
    The Vendor Compliance Documents list page opens.

  2. On the action bar, select New.

  3. In the Vendor No. field, select a desired No. from the list to which the compliance document should be linked.

  4. In the Compliance Document Code field, select a desired code from the list.
    When you select the compliance document code, the description and contact number are populated from the settings done on the Compliance Documents.

  5. In the Compliance Document No. field, enter the value.

  6. In the item attribute name fields, select the desired attribute values.


    When you select values for the Item Attribute Name 1 and Item Attribute Name 2 fields on the Compliance Documents Setup page, the corresponding attribute fields appear. For example, if you select Colour for item attribute name 1 and Item Type for item attribute name 2, you will see fields for these attributes. You can then select or add attribute values as needed. Only the attributes that are configured in your attribute group and linked will be visible on the Purchase Compliance Documents page.

  7. In the Item No. field, select the number of the item to which the compliance documents apply.

  8. In the Contact Person No. field, select the number at which you can reach the contact person for questions about the compliance document.

  9. In the Requested Date field, select the date on which the compliance document is requested.

  10. In the Document Date field, select the date on which the compliance document was issued.

  11. In the Expiration Date field, select the date on which the compliance document should expire.


    Once the document has expired, the date will change to the color red.

  12. In the Control Type field, select the required control type.


    The control type is populated from the Compliance Document but can be changed.

    One of the following options can be set per the vendor compliance document:
    * No control needed
    * Order control: checks will be executed when releasing an order
    * Receipt control: checks will be executed when posting a receipt
    * Invoice control: checks will be executed when posting an invoice
    * Shipment control: checks will be executed when posting a shipment

The Vendor Compliance Documents are now set up.

To view or edit the documents attached to the selected vendor compliance document

  1. On the action bar, select Attachments.
    Alternatively, you can select the value in the Attachments flow field.
  2. On the Attachments page, in the Attachment field, select the link to view or edit the documents attached to the selected company compliance document. For more information, see Document Link.