What's new in version 1.9.117563.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read


With the features added in this release of the Aptean Compliance Documents extension, you can:

  • Navigate to the posted sales/purchase order from the Posted Purchase/Sales Compliance Documents list page by selecting the link in the Source No. field.
  • View the compliance documents to approve for all purchase/sales orders listed on a Warehouse Receipt/Shipment page by selecting the Purchase/Sales Compliance Documents to Approve field.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • On the Vendor/Customer Compliance Documents page, the following fields are available:

    • Vendor/Customer Name
    • Item Description
    • Contact Person Name
    • Company Contact Name

    Only the Item Description field is shown by default.

  • On the Posted Purchase/Sales Compliance Documents page, the Item Description and Vendor/Customer Name fields are available. The Vendor/Customer Name field is hidden by default and can be accessed using Design or Personalize.

  • On the Item Compliance Documents page, the Item Description field can now be accessed using Design or Personalize.

  • The Contact Number field has been renamed to Company Contact Number on the Vendor/Customer/Item/Company Compliance Documents page.