What's new in version 1.7.92887.0

Release Note09/16/20242 min read


With the features added in this release of the Aptean Compliance Documents extension, you can

  • Create Sales Compliance Documents and Item Compliance Documents for a particular customer and item. These sales and item compliance documents will be automatically applied to the sales documents and associated warehouse documents when creating for that specific customer and item. Previously, you could create Purchase Compliance Documents for a particular vendor. This Purchase compliance documents will be automatically applied to the purchase documents and associated warehouse documents as they are created for that specific vendor.

In this release, when an Item number is selected on a purchase document and that Item number has been configured in the Item Compliance Documents, the related compliance documents will also be applied to the purchase documents and the associated warehouse documents.

  • View the Sales Compliance Documents page,which shows compliance documents are valid during the sales process, and you can view and control the compliance documents that are linked to the sales documents. For information, see Sales compliance documents in sales order processing.

UX/UI changes

The two new Expired Sales Compliance Documents and Expired Sales Compliance Documents fields about the sales compliance documents are added to the sales order list and header. It gives you information about the sales compliance documents that need to be approved or that are expired. For more information, click here.