Sales claims

Article06/12/202412 min read

A Sales Claim is a document that manages a customer or buyer’s request for a return, refund, or resolution of a product or service purchased. A variety of customer complaints, including product flaws, shipping errors, or other problems that impact the customer’s experience with the good or service, can give rise to the creation of sales claims.

To create sales claim from posted Shipments

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Claims, and then choose the related link. The Sales Claims list page opens.

  2. On the action bar, select New to create a new entry.

  3. On the Sales Claim card, on the General FastTab, fill in the following fields.

    No.Select the number series from the No. Series list to generate a unique claim number for the document.
    Customer No.Select the number of the customer who initiated the claim.
    Customer NameThis field is automatically updated with the name of the selected customer.
    Customer Name 2If there is an additional name for the customer, you can enter it in this field to differentiate the customer’s name from another customer with a similar name.
    Redirect Customer No.Select the customers to whom the claim should be redirected with a lower price. The redirected customer must be different from the customer, so the above-selected customer will not be displayed here.
    Redirect Customer NameThis field is updated automatically with the name of the customer to whom the claim will be redirected.
    External Document No.Enter any reference number that the customer may have included with their claim.
    StatusIndicates whether the document is Open or Released.
    Document DateThis field reflects the value selected in the Posting Date field. You can change the value if required.
    Posting DateSpecifies the work date on which the sales claim is posted. This field is updated automatically.
  4. On the Lines FastTab, on the action bar, click Get Shipment Lines, to view the list of all the sales shipment lines of the selected customer. You can return only the remaining quantities shipped from that specific Shipment. Some of these items could be returned from the customer.

    • Turn on the Show Reversible Lines Only toggle to display all the available shipment lines to be reversed or returned on the posted sales invoice. For example, on a posted sales invoice with an original quantity of 20, if 15 items have already been sold, the quantity that is available to be reversed is 5.

    • The Posted shipments field specifies the total number of posted shipment lines related to the selected customer.

      • Select the shipment lines to add them to the sales claim lines and select OK.


        The system will notify when the claim contains the following:

        • Items that are partially applied.
        • Items that are fully applied.
        • Same item from the same shipment included in another claim for that customer.

    • On the Lines FastTab on the Sales Claim page, the following fields are updated automatically:

      Item No.Specifies the number of the sold item for which you create the claim with direct unit cost.
      DescriptionDescribes the name of the item for which you are creating a claim.
      Location CodeSpecifies the code for the location where you want the items to be placed when they are received. This value is inherited from the related shipment.
      The value in this field will be specified based on the following conditions:
      • When you choose the Action Type as Return, the Location Code is updated with the Return Location specified on the Claim Setup page.
      • When the Action Type is chosen as Credit, the Location Code reflects the default inventory location.
      Original QuantitySpecifies the total number of items sold from the shipment.
      Original Unit PriceSpecifies the price per item from the shipment.
      Original Unit Price Excl. VATSpecifies the price per unit, excluding tax, as stated on the shipment.
      Original Unit of MeasureSpecifies the Unit of Measure for the item, as stated on the item line of the shipment.
      Original Applied Price Unit of MeasureSpecifies the Unit of Measure used to price the item. If this value differs from the UoM on the item line of the shipment, it is inherited from the Applied Sales Price and Discount page for that item line.
      Original Quantity Expressed in the UoMSpecifies how many units (expressed in the unit of measure code) are linked to the number of units as specified in the field Quantity Expressed in the Base Unit of Measure.
      Applied Direct Unit PriceSpecifies the item’s price for the Unit of Measure used while setting the item’s pricing. If this value differs from the price on the relevant item line on the shipment, it is inherited from the Applied Sales Price and Discount page for that item line.
      Original Line Amount Excl. VATSpecifies the net amount, excluding any invoice discount amount, that was to be paid for items on the line, as stated in the sales order.
      Claim Applied Price Unit of MeasureSpecifies the Unit of Measure used to set the price for the item. This can differ from the claim unit of measure. This field has the same value as the Original Document Price Unit of Measure.
      Claim Quantity Expressed in the UoMSpecifies how many units (expressed in the unit of measure code) are linked to the number of units as specified in the Quantity Expressed in the Base Unit of Measure field.
      Action QuantitySpecifies the quantity of items the customer should credit/return to the vendors. This field is editable. You can modify this field if you need to do a partial claim. You cannot add a higher value than the remaining amount.
      Shipment No.Specifies the document number of the selected document type.
      Shipment Line No.Specifies the number of the shipment line from where items were copied.
      Document CreatedSpecifies if the claim line is already included in the related Sales Return Order or Sales Credit Memo. It prevents duplication of the items that will be returned.
    • On the Lines FastTab on the Sales Claim page, the following fields must be filled in manually.

      Action TypeYou must specify the action requested for the claim.
      • Credit: Indicates that a credit must be generated for the customer’s returned or cancelled purchases, overpayments, or any other cause.
      • Return: Indicates that the customer wants to return a product for a refund or replacement.
      Return ActionSpecifies the return type available only for the returned products.
      AmountSpecifies the total price for the credit/return quantity.
      Return Reason CodeYou must specify the unique identification code of the return reason for the claim. This can be selected only if you select Return in the Action Type field. The Default Location Code for the selected return reason code will be updated in the Location Code field.

      To know more about Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT, Claim Unit of Measure, Claim New Applied Price Unit, and Claim Line Amount Excl. VAT fields, see Purchase Claims.

    • Once you complete filling all the fields on the Sales Claim page, you can choose the following actions on the action bar:

      Release > ReleaseRelease the Sales Claim.
      Release > Release & CreateRelease the claim and create sales related document with the amounts and quantities specified in the claim document.
      Release > Release & Create & PostRelease the claim document, as well as create the sales related documents and then post them along with the claim document.
      Release > ReopenReopen the claim and its related documents to change the values after it is released. Released claims have the Released status and must be opened before they can be changed.

On the Claim Setup page, on the General FastTab, in the Return Location Code field, choose a Warehouse Management location. This enables you to post the Sales Claim with Warehouse Management location along with related documents by choosing Release > Release & Create & Post. On the confirmation screen, when you choose Yes, the documents will not be posted. This occurs because the system lacks the feature for automatic creation of Warehouse Receipt and Pick. However, the Sales Claim is posted when you click No. You cannot make any changes in the Sales Claim after it is posted.

On the Sales Credit Memo page, on the Lines FastTab, on the action bar, select Lines > Item Charge Assignment to view the item charge assignment for all credit lines inserted in Sales Claim based on the method selected in Claim Setup.


You cannot release a Sales Claim if,

  • The Action Type is not defined for all the items.
  • New Unit Price is not defined for Credit Items.
  • Any mandatory information is not filled in standard sales documents, managed by the standard release of the system. In this case, the system will initiate a rollback.

On the Sales Invoices list page, you can view the following documents from the Sell-to Customer Sales History FactBox:

  • Ongoing Sales Claims
  • Posted Sales Claims
  • Ongoing Sales Return Orders
  • Ongoing Sales Credit Memos
  • Posted Sales Return Receipts
  • Posted Sales Shipment
  • Posted Sales Credit Memos

On the Shipment Information FactBox, you can view the original quantity, actionable quantity, original unit price, and amount associated with the selected purchase claim lines. This helps you view the data without navigating to the posted sales shipment. This data is updated dynamically.

To create sales claim and redirect it to another customer

After creating a sales claim, you can redirect it to another customer. To do this, on the Sales Claim page, you must fill in the Redirect Customer No. and Redirect Customer Name fields.

On the Lines FastTab, the Action field will automatically display Return, and it is not editable. Only the Action Quantity, New Unit Price, Amount, and Return Reason Code fields are editable.

After releasing the sales claim, on the action bar, select Post to post the sales claim.

Posting the Sales Claim creates the Sales Order with the redirected customer, inheriting all the item tracking lines. Then it posts the sales order and the sales claim.


You can’t make any changes to the Sales Claim after it is posted.

If the Customer Credit Memo No. is entered in the claim, and the claim is associated with a sales return order and a credit memo, the system will automatically fill in the Customer Credit Memo No. as follows: Customer Credit Memo No. -1 for the return order and Customer Credit Memo No. -2 for the credit memo.

If the Customer Credit Memo No. is not provided, the system will add the Customer Cr Memo No. automatically to sales documents before they are posted: Claim No. -1 for the return order and Claim No. -2 for the credit memo.

Posted sales claim

A Posted Sales Claim refers to a sales claim that has been processed and finalized. It represents the completion of the resolution process for a customer’s claim or complaint regarding a product or service purchased from a company.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Posted Sales Claims, and then choose the related link. The Posted Sales Claims page opens.
  2. Select and click the required No. to open the Posted Sales Claim page.
  3. On the action bar, click Related > Purchase Claims or Posted Purchase Claim (It can be viewed only after creating the purchase claim). These documents can be viewed only when the purchase claim is created from the return receipts of a sales claim.
  4. On the action bar, click Related > Posted Sales Return Receipts, Posted Sales Credit Memos, Posted Sales Invoice, or Posted Sales Shipment to view the related documents.
  5. On the Posted Sales Claim page, on the Lines FastTab, select the item lines that you wish to return and then select Create Purchase Claim; this results in creating the purchase claims. For more information, see To create purchase claim from return receipts of a sales claim.

The Document Type for the above-mentioned purchase claims will be the Return Receipt.

After posting the Sales claim, navigate to the Posted Sales Claim page. On the action bar, select Sales Claim. However, no documents will be available as they will appear within the Posted Sales Claim instead.

The system assigns a new number to the posted sales claim while maintaining the reference to the original document in the Sales Claim No. field. This allows for establishing a relationship with all the associated documents.

You can view the Item No., Quantity Returned, and Total Value Credited for each item in the lines on the Claim Information FactBox on the Posted Sales Shipment page.

Finished sales claims report

You can generate and print a Finished Sales Claims report which includes the records of the posted sales claims along with the posting date, action type, return reason code, and other required filters. To access the report, select the Search icon , enter Finished Sales Claims, and then choose the related link. You can filter the information based on Customer, Item, and Action type or add new filters from the table.

To create purchase claim from return receipts of a sales claim

You can directly create a purchase claim from the posted sales claim. The products returned by the customer can be returned directly to the vendor from whom they were purchased.

  1. On the Posted Sales Claim page, on the Lines FastTab, select the lines that contain items to be returned to the vendor.
  2. On the action bar, click Create Purchase Claim.

This action is performed only if the vendor is identified for that item. If multiple lines have different vendors, the system creates different purchase claims for each vendor.


The Document Type on the Purchase Claim created from the return receipt of the Sales Claim will be Return Receipt.

The Item Tracking Lines will also be automatically inherited when the purchase claim is released. On the Purchase Claim page, on the action bar, click Related > Posted Sales Claim to view the related documents. You cannot view this option while creating the purchase claim from purchase receipts.

When the purchase claim is created from the return receipts of the sales claim, the Pstd. Sales Claim No. and Pstd. Sales Claim Line No. fields on the Lines FastTab on the Purchase Claim page will get updated automatically.


The packaging items are not inherited from the sales order; instead, they will be calculated based on the returned quantity in the created sales return order.