Claims setup

Article04/17/20245 min read

You must configure the number series, item charges and location to be used for claim handling on the Claims Setup page. The following procedure describes how to set up claims.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Claims Setup, and then choose the related link. The Claims Setup page opens.

  2. On the Claims Setup page, on the General FastTab, in the Sales Price Adjustment Item Charge field, select the required option to specify an item charge that will be used to handle the price adjustment process in the sales claim. With this setting, the line Type field is set as Charge (Item) for claims on the Sales Return Order page.

  3. In the Purchasing Price Adjustment Item Charge field, select the required option to specify an item charge that will be used to handle the price adjustment process in the purchase claim. This setting sets the line Type field as Charge (Item) for claims on the Purchase Return Order page.

  4. In the Charge Assignment Method field, select one of the following methods to distribute the item charge assignment on the purchase return order when the document has more than one line of type Item. The available methods are:

    EquallyThis method assigns the item charges equally between the lines.
    By AmountThis method assigns the item charges based on the number of items associated with the claim.
    By WeightThis method assigns costs based on the product’s weight associated with the claim.
    By VolumeThis method assigns costs based on the volume of the product associated with the claim.
  5. In the Return Location Code field, select the location to place the products returned by the customers.

  6. Turn on the Combine Documents toggle to create Return documents while choosing the Action Type on the Claims page as Return or Credit. When you choose Credit, the Return documents are created with the charged item.
    If you proceed by turning off the Combine Documents toggle and choose the Action Type as Return on the Claims page, it leads to the creation of Return documents. When you choose the Action Type as Credit, it leads to the creation of Credit Memos.

  7. In the Claim Calculation Method field, choose a price calculation method for the Claims documents. The calculations on the Claim documents take place based on the following formulas:

    Claim Calculation MethodAction TypeFormula
    New PriceReturn
    • Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT = Claim Applied Price Unit * Claim Quantity Expressed in the UoM
    • Claim Applied Price Unit = Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT/Claim Quantity Expressed in the UoM
    • Claim Line Amount Excl. Tax = Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT * Action Quantity
    • Amount = Action Qty. * Qty. Expressed in UoM * Claim New Applied Price Unit
    New PriceCredit
    • Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT = Claim Applied Price Unit * Claim Quantity Expressed in the UoM
    • Claim Line Amount Excl. Tax = Action Quantity * Claim Quantity Expressed in the UoM * Claim New Applied Price Unit
    • Amount = Action Qty. * Qty. Expressed in UoM * (Applied Direct Unit Cost – Claim New Applied Price Unit)
    Claim PriceReturn or Credit
    • Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT = Claim Applied Price Unit * Claim Quantity Expressed in the UoM
    • Claim Applied Price Unit = Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT/Claim Quantity Expressed in the UoM
    • Claim Line Amount Excl. Tax = Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT * Action Quantity
  • When you choose the Claim Calculation Method as Claim Price, the Amount field will not be available in the lines on the Claims documents.
  • An error occurs while releasing the Purchase or Sales Claim when you choose the Claim Calculation Method as New Price and the Action Type as Return, or the Claim Calculation Method is Claim Price, and the Action Type is selected as Return or Credit along with the Claim Line Amount Excl. Tax as zero.
  • An error occurs while releasing the Purchase Claim or Sales Claim when you choose the Claim Calculation Method as New Price, the Action Type as Credit, with the Amount as zero.
  1. In the Issuer Item No. field, enter the number of the non-inventory item that will be used on the purchase credit memo documents generated for the issuers.
  2. In the Credit Memo Charge Item field, select the item charge that will be inserted in the purchase credit memos created from the sales documents.
    You can either utilize the identical item charge specified in the purchase price adjustment field or opt for an alternative charge item.
  3. On the No. Series FastTab, fill in the required fields.
  4. On the Dump Order FastTab, fill in the following fields:
Dump Customer No.Enter the unique code assigned to the customer that will be used for dump orders.
Dump Customer NameSpecifies the name of the customer that will be used for dump orders. This is automatically updated based on the defined customer number.
Dump Price set to ZeroSpecify whether you want to set the price of the dumped item to zero. When the toggle is turned on, the unit price in the dump sales order is set to zero. If the toggle is turned off, the price from the claim is used.