What's new in version 2301.0.0.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read


With the features added in this release of the Aptean Claims extension, you can:

  • Change the way the claim line amounts are calculated on the Purchase/Sales Claim page.
  • Change the units of measure for items in the claims documents to differ from those on the source document.

UI/UX Changes

The following UI/UX change has been made in this release:

  • The New Unit Price field on the Purchase/Sales Claims page is renamed to Claim Unit Price Excl. VAT.
  • On the Purchase/Sales Return Order and Purchase/Sales Credit Memo pages the following un-editable fields are available:
    • Document Price Unit of Measure (inherited from the Claim Document Price Unit of Measure field on the Purchase/Sales Claim page)
    • Document Price Unit Price (inherited from the Claim Document Price Unit Price field on the Purchase/Sales Claim page)
    • Original Item No.
    • Original Item Description
  • On the Purchase Credit Memo page, the Direct Unit Cost and Line Amount Excl. VAT fields are available.
  • On the Sales Credit Memo page, the Unit Price Excl. VAT and Line Amount Excl. VAT fields are available.