Set up item catalog

Article01/09/20243 min read

When a group of customers uses the same Item Catalog (i.e., they frequently order the same group of items), it is helpful to control the different groups of items once instead of multiple times (per customer). Therefore, an Item Catalog can be created. An Item Catalog can be linked to multiple Customers/Ship-to Addresses, see Set up Item Catalog per Customer for more information.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Item Catalogs, and then choose the related link.
    The Item Catalogs list page opens.

Set up a new item catalog with validity date

  1. On the action bar, select New.
  2. In the Code field, enter a code, e.g., “BBQ”.
  3. In the Description field, enter the text that describes the item catalog, .e.g., “Barbecue Catalog”.
    It is possible to set up a Valid from date and a Valid to date per Item Catalog. This indicates from and to when the Item Catalog is valid.
  4. In the Valid from Date field, select the date from the calendar from which the item catalog is valid.
  5. In the Valid to Date field, select the date from the calendar to which the item catalog is valid.

Add items to item catalog lines

With the Item Catalog Lines, you can set up the items that should be linked to a certain Item Catalog. It is possible to select a different Sales Unit of Measure and Variant Code.

  1. On the Item Catalogs page, on the action bar, select More Options > Actions > Item Catalog Lines.
    The selected Item Catalog page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
  3. In the Item No. field, select a value from the list.

You can access the Item Catalog page by selecting Actions > Functions > Item Catalog on both the Sales Quotes and Blanket Sales Order pages.

Sort items and set validity dates in item catalog lines

The item numbers in the Item Catalog are sorted in the order of entering the lines. You can change the order of the items with the Move Up and Move Down action buttons. This adjusts how the items are displayed when the Item Catalog is opened from the sales order.

  1. Navigate to the desired Item No.
  2. On the action bar, select the Move Up action button to move the selected line upwards in the list.
  3. Click the Move Down action button to move the selected line downwards in the list.
    Like in the Item Catalog, it is possible to specify a Valid from the date and Valid to date. However, the specific dates on the Item Catalog Lines must be within the date range of the Item Catalog. This indicates from and to when the specific item in the Item Catalog is valid.
    When entering a sales line manually, the validity of the item will be checked with the dates in the Item Catalog lines if the item is set up as Private Label and/or when the customer is set as Item Catalog mandatory. When opening the Sales Item Catalog page or exporting the email with the Customer Item Catalog, these dates are considered. The Sales Item Catalog page and the email with the Customer Item Catalog attached, are created based on the validity of these dates.
  4. In the Valid from Date field, select the date from which the item is available within the item catalog.
  5. In the Valid to Date field, select the date from the calendar until which the item is available within the item catalog.