Set up customer item catalog

Article07/28/20234 min read

Multiple Item Catalogs can be linked to a customer or to a combination of Customer/Ship-to Address via the setup of the Customer Item Catalog. This is done to indicate which catalogs belong per customer.

Customer item catalog setup

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customer Item Catalog Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Customer Item Catalog Setup page opens.
  2. On the Customer Item Catalog FastTab, turn on the Enable Catalog update from Sales Lines toggle to update the item catalog from the sales lines.
  3. In the Sales History Inclusion Timeframe field, enter a value.
    It shows the sales history for the item catalog. For example, 1D = 1 day, 1M = 1 month and 1Y = 1 year.
  4. Turn on the Show Related Price List Records toggle to display the price list records associated with the item catalog.

Set up item catalog per customer

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
    The Customers list page opens.
  2. Select the desired No. to open the Customer Card page.
  3. On the action bar, select More Options > Related > Customer > Item Catalogs.
  4. In the Item Catalog Code field, select a value from the list.
  5. While creating the Customer Item Catalog, a notification appears as It’s possible to set up Customer Item Catalogs for Ship-to Addresses.
    The notification is displayed when the customer has Ship-to Addresses setup and there is no Customer Item Catalog setup for any of these Ship-to addresses. The notification can be disabled.
  6. When creating the Customer Item Catalog, a notification appears as It’s possible to make Item Catalog Mandatory for the Customer No. xxx.
    The notification is displayed when the Item Catalog Mandatory toggle is turned off on the Customer Card page. The notification can be disabled.
  7. The Description field is automatically populated based on the selection of Item Catalog Code.
  8. In the Sales Price List field, select a value from the drop-down list.
    You can select only the Sales Price List with active status on the Sales Price List page or an error appears.
  9. Assign-To Type and Assign-To fields are automatically populated based on the selection of the value in the Sales Price List field.
  10. Turn on the Update from Sales toggle against the required Item Catalog line to update the customer item catalog lines from the sales lines, .
    If the Update from Sales toggle is turned on for multiple lines on the Customer Item Catalog page, an error appears.
    Only one line in the Customer Item Catalog page can have the Update from Sales toggle turned on.
  11. The Enable Catalog update from Sales Lines toggle on the Customer Item Catalog Setup page is turned off, and if Update from Sales Line check box is selected, on the Customer Item Catalogs page, an error appears.
    The Item Catalog is now set up for this customer.

Set up item catalog per ship-to address

Multiple Item Catalogs can be linked to a combination of Customer/Ship-to Address via the setup of the Customer Item Catalog. This is done to indicate which catalogs belong per Ship-to Address of the Customer. If no Item Catalogs are linked to the selected combination of Customer and Ship-to Address in the sales order, the Item Catalog lines that are linked to only the Customer will be shown on the Sales Item Catalog page. See Fast Order Entry: enter sales line via Sales Item Catalog for more information.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
    The Customers list page opens.
  2. Select the desired No. open the Customer Card page.
  3. On the action bar, select More Options > Related > Customer > Ship-to Addresses. On the Ship-to Address List page, select a Ship-to Address.
  4. On the action bar, select Related > Item Catalogs.
  5. On the Customer Item Catalogs page, fill in the necessary fields. For more information, see Set up Item Catalog per Customer.

The Item Catalog is now set up for this Ship-to Address.

Sort items in customer item catalog

The Item Catalog Codes are sorted in the order of entering the lines. You can change the order of the items with Move Up and Move Down action buttons. This adjusts the way the Customer Item Catalogs are displayed when the Catalog is opened from the sales order and when the Item Catalog is sent to a customer with an email.

  1. On the Customer Item Catalogs page, navigate to the desired Item Catalog Code.
  2. On the action bar, select the Move Up action button to move the selected line upwards in the list.
  3. Select the Move Down action button to move the selected line downwards in the list.