Set item catalog mandatory for customer

Article07/28/20232 min read

If a customer is allowed to order items, variants, and unit of measure which are set up in their Customer Item Catalog, the customer must set Item Catalog as mandatory.

If the customer is only allowed to order items, variants, and unit of measure within their Customer Item Catalog, there is a check when entering directly on the sales order line. If the combination of the item number, variant code, and unit of measure doesn’t exist in the Customer Item Catalog, it isn’t allowed to sell the item to the customer and a notification appears. If the entered combination of the item number, variant code, and unit of measure exists in the Customer Item Catalog, the system checks if the order date of the sales order is equal or falls after the Valid from Date of the Item Catalog Line and if the order date is equal or falls before the Valid to Date. If the order date doesn’t meet both requirements, the system gives a notification. See Set up the Item Catalog for more information.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
    The Customers list page opens.
  2. Select the desired No.
    The Customer Card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, turn on the Item Catalog Mandatory toggle.
    When the Item Catalog Mandatory toggle is turned on for a customer and the customer doesn’t have any customer item catalogs set up, a notification appears, e.g., “Customer No. C0011 doesn’t have any Customer Item Catalogs.” The notification is shown in a blue bar at the top of the Customer Card page.