Set item as private label

Article07/28/20232 min read

A private label item is intended for and may only be sold to a specific customer. For this purpose, an item has to be marked as a Private Label. It is not allowed to order a private label item if it doesn’t exist in the Customer Item Catalog. If an item is selected in the sales order but not in the Customer Item Catalog, an error message appears.

If an item is set up as a private label and for that item, several variant codes are set up, an error will follow when entering an item/variant combination in a sales order line that is not present in the Customer Item Catalog. If the entered combination of item/variant exists in the Customer Item Catalog, the system checks if the order date of the sales order is equal or falls after the Valid from Date of the Item Catalog Line and if the order date is equal or falls before the Valid to Date. If the order date doesn’t meet both requirements, the system displays an error message. See Set up the Item Catalog for more information.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
    The Items list page opens.
  2. Select the desired No.
  3. On the Prices & Sales FastTab, turn on the Private Label toggle.
    When the Private Label toggle is turned on for an item and the item doesn’t exist in any Item Catalog line, a notification appears, e.g., “Item No. doesn’t exist in any Item Catalog Line.” The notification is shown at the top of the Item Card page.
  4. In the Update Item Catalogs field, select an option from the list.

The following options exist.

AlwaysThe item gets updated automatically to the customer item catalog from the sales line.
ManualYou can manually update the item in the customer item catalog.
NeverThe item is neither updated automatically from the sales line nor allowed to be manually updated in the customer item catalog.

The Enable Catalog update from Sales Lines toggle on the Customer Item Catalog Setup page is turned off, and if Always is selected in the Update Item Catalogs field on the selected Item Card page of the Prices & Sales FastTab, a notification appears.