Fast order entry: enter sales line via sales item catalog

Article07/27/20237 min read

By using the Sales Item Catalog page, it is possible to quickly create sales order lines. This page can be opened from within the sales order and it contains the Item Catalog lines that are linked to the customer via the Customer Item Catalog table. On the page only the Quantity field is editable. Closing the page automatically creates sales order lines for every Sales Item Catalog line with a Quantity above zero.

Create a new sales order

It is possible to quickly create sales order lines by using the page Sales Item Catalog. This page can be opened from within the sales order and it contains the Item Catalog lines that are linked to the customer via Customer Item Catalog table .

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Orders list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
  3. The Sales Order page opens.
  4. In the Customer Name field, select the AssistEdit button to open the Customers page.
  5. Select the desired customer and click OK.
    The Sales Order is now created.

Update item catalog field in sales order

The Update Item Catalog field values are updated on the sales order based on the information provided in the Update Item Catalog field on the Item Card page and the Enable Catalog Update from Sales Lines field on the Customer Item Catalog Setup page.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Orders list page opens.
  2. Select the desired No.
    The Sales Order page opens.
  3. On the Lines FastTab, Update Item Catalog field appears.
    If the checkbox is selected, it indicates that the item is to be updated to the customer item catalog from the sales line.
    For this, all the following conditions must be true:
    1. On the Item Card page, in the Prices & Sales FastTab, in the Update Item Catalog field, the value is ‘Always’.
    2. On the Customer Item Catalog Setup page, the Enable Catalog Update from Sales Lines toggle is turned on.
    3. On the Customer Item Catalogs page, the Update from Sales Line check box is selected.
    4. On the Customer Card page, in the General FastTab, the Item Catalog Mandatory toggle is turned on.
    5. On the Item Card page, in the Prices & Sales FastTab, the Private Label toggle is turned on.
      If the checkbox is cleared, then it indicates that the item already exists in the customer item catalog and has moved from the sales line.
      For this, either one or all the following conditions must be true:
    6. On the Item Card page, in the Prices & Sales FastTab, in the Update Item Catalog field, the value is ‘Manual’ or ‘Never’.
    7. On the Customer Item Catalog Setup page, the Enable Catalog Update from Sales Lines toggle is turned off.
    8. On the Customer Item Catalogs page, the Update from Sales Line check box is cleared.

Open the page sales item catalog on the sales order

When a customer is set as Item Catalog Mandatory = Yes, a notification will be shown after creating a sales order. The page Sales Item Catalog can be opened directly from this notification which contains the Item Catalog lines that are linked to the customer.

  1. Click the link It’s easier to use Item Catalog to create sales lines on the Sales Order page.

    When the customer is set as Item Catalog Mandatory = No, the notification will not appear. It is still possible to use the page Sales Item Catalog for quick order entry.

  2. On the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Item Catalog.
    If no Item Catalogs are linked to the selected combination of Customer and Ship-to Address in the sales order, the Item Catalog lines that are linked to only the Customer will be shown on the Sales Item Catalog page.

    The page also shows the item reference if the combination of item and unit of measure is set up for the customer that is selected in the sales order. If you enter an item reference between yours and your customer’s item number, then this number will override the standard item number when you enter the item reference number on a sales document. Item references allow you to create a reference between your system and your customer’s system to replace item numbers that you use at the time of document issuance. This allows you to maintain the item codes in your system but present the sales item using codes that are in their system.

    Only the Quantity field is editable on the Sales Item Catalog page. The page only shows those lines where the order date of the sales order is equal or falls after the Valid from Date of the Item Catalog Lines and where the order date is equal or falls before the Valid to Date. If the order date doesn’t meet both requirements, the items are not shown and therefore cannot be selected on this page.

  3. Enter Quantity.

  4. Click OK.
    This creates sales order lines for every Sales Item Catalog line with a Quantity above 0.

  5. Enter Quantity.

  6. Click Cancel.
    This opens a new dialog box.
    It is possible to save the Sales Item Catalog if the quantity is filled.
    The dialog box displays the message, Sales Item Catalog still contains quantities. Do you want to save these?

  7. Click Yes.

When re-opening the page Sales Item Catalog, the quantities will be shown on the correct item line.

Accessing the sales item catalog page from sales order

You can access the Sales Item Catalog page from the Sales Order page where you can view the sales invoice details for a selected timeframe.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Orders list page opens.
  2. Select the desired No.
    The Sales Order page opens.
  3. On the action bar, select More actions > Actions > Functions > Item Catalog
  4. Select the value in the Invoiced Quantity Base field for the desired record which specifies the total number of items that are sold in the mentioned timeframe.
    This opens a page with posted sales invoice details. The sales invoice records are displayed based on the value entered in the Sales History Inclusion Timeframe field on the Customer Item Catalog Setup page.
    For example, if 1Y is entered in the Sales History Inclusion Timeframe field on the Customer Item Catalog Setup page, then the page displays the sales invoice records for one year back from the Posting Date.
    If the Sales History Inclusion Timeframe field is left blank, no result is displayed.
  5. The Last Sales Invoice Date field displays the recently posted sales invoice date.

Sales item catalog Lines associated with sales price list

On the Sales Item Catalog page, the line item is expanded to find the sales price list of items associated with the customer when the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. On the Customer Item Catalog Setup page, the Show Related Price List Records toggle is turned on.

  2. On the Feature Management page, in the Feature field, Feature Update :New sales pricing experience is enabled for All Users.


    System will not allow reverting the Feature Management Extension once installed.

  3. On the Sales Price List page for the selected record, on the General FastTab, in the Status field, Active is selected from the drop-down list.

  4. Navigate to the Sales Item Catalog page for the desired customer.

  5. Click the desired sales line item which expands to display the related sales price of the item inherited from the Sales Price List selected on the Customer Item Catalogs page.

  6. The Availability FactBox provides a quick overview and access to data from the active sales line.