Export customer item catalog via email

Article07/27/20231 min read

It is possible to send an email to a customer with an attached file that contains the Customer Item Catalog. This email informs the customer of the current catalog.

  1. Navigate to the desired Customer Card page.
  2. On the action bar, select More options > Actions > Email Customer Item Catalog…
    The Mail Customer Item Catalog dialog box opens.
    It is possible to send a Customer Item Catalog that is set up for a specific Ship-to Address.
  3. The Customer No. field is automatically populated.
  4. In the Ship-to Code field, click the AssistEdit button.
  5. The Ship-to Address list page opens.
  6. Select the desired Code and click OK.
  7. The Ship-to Code field is filled. Click OK.

When mailing the Customer Item Catalog, the Work Date will be used to check if there are valid Item Catalog lines. If there are no Item Catalog lines that are valid on the work date, no email will be sent to the customer and the related notification is shown on the Customer Card page.

If the email is successfully sent to the customer, a notification, Email successfully sent to [email protected], will show in a blue bar at the top of the Customer Card page.