Automatically process received customer item catalog into sales order

Article07/27/20232 min read

After sending a mail to a customer with the Customer Item Catalog in the attachment, the customer can fill the quantities in the Excel file for the items he wants to order. The customer then can reply to the received mail and attach the edited file. When the mail with the edited file is received back, then it will be automatically processed into a sales order with the correct items, variant, unit of measure, and quantities.

Open exported customer item catalog via email

The customer has received the email and can open the attached Customer Item Catalog.

  1. Select the received email.

    The previously set up subject and body text are shown in the email.

  2. Click Download.

    The Customer No, Customer Name and the Ship-to Code are automatically filled in the Excel file. The customer can then fill the Requested Delivery Date and requested quantity.

  3. Save the Excel file, reply to the received email, add the Excel as an attachment and send the email.

Open automatically created sales order

When the email is received from the customer, open the Incoming Item Catalogs.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Incoming Customer Item Catalogs, and then choose the related link.
    The Incoming Customer Item Catalogs page opens.
  2. Select the specified line on the Incoming Customer Item Catalogs page.
  3. On the action bar, select Navigate > Card.
    This will open the Sales Order which is automatically created for this Incoming Customer Item Catalog.
    The Ship-to Code from the Excel file is automatically processed on the Sales Order.

The sales order is created with the correct items and quantities.