What's new in version 1.12.93676.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read

Resolved issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release:

114122When the Always option is selected in the Update Item Catalog field on the Item Card page and the Enable Catalog Update toggle on the Customer Item Catalog Setup page is turned on, the Update Item Catalog checkbox on the Sales Order lines is not automatically selected. Also, when the Never option is selected on the Update Item Catalog field on the Item Card page, the user is able to select the Update Item Catalog checkbox on the Sales Order line, and no error message appears.
112609When the Update Item Catalog field on the Item Card page is left blank during the creation of an item, an error appears and the system does not allow the user to add items to the catalog lines.
112599When a user tries to delete an Item catalog that contains Item Catalog lines, an error message containing a typo is displayed.
112608Unable to release the Sales Order when an existing item is added to the Item Catalog line.