
Article06/25/20241 min read

Aptean Packaging extension

You can use the Aptean Commodity Harvest Planning extension in conjunction with the Aptean Packaging extension to view the Shipping Unit Packaging Code and Shipping Container Packaging Code fields on the harvest order lines, week forecast, and day forecast documents.
The integration efficiently retrieves the Shipping Unit Packaging Code and Shipping Container Packaging Code field from packaging and shipping units, giving priority to vendor settings when available.
The value chosen in the respective harvest order’s shipping unit and shipping container fields appears in the week/day forecast document that was created via the harvest order.
Vendor settings take precedence in document lines, allowing users to modify selections via dropdown menus. Additionally, documents derived from a harvest order inherit selected unit/container information effortlessly.

Aptean Advanced Attributes extension

You can use the Aptean Commodity Harvest Planning extension in conjunction with the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension to view the global lot attributes values on the week forecast order lines and day forecast order lines. The global lot attributes values are inherited from the Advanced Attribute Setup page.