Harvest Planning

Article12/06/20233 min read

You can select the Load Harvest Order Documents action on the Harvest Planning page to view the list of all the Harvest Orders with active status. You can also create multiple Blanket Purchase Orders, Purchase Orders, and Commodity Receipts from the Harvest Planning page. It displays the details of the harvest order along with the related Season, Farm, Agricultural Location, Grower, Vendor, and product information.

You can manually add lines, select the desired Season, Farm, Agricultural Location, Location Code and enter the Expected Qty. to Harvest, Qty. to Harvest fields to create the documents (Harvest Orders, Blanket Purchase Orders, Purchase Orders, and Commodity Receipts) from the Harvest Planning page.

From Harvest Planning you can

  1. Load the active Harvest orders
  2. Manually add the lines to create harvest order
  3. Other documents such as purchase order, blanket purchase order and commodity receipts are created from the harvest planning page
  4. Import the data from excel
  5. Filter the records

To load the active harvest orders

  1. On the action bar, select Load Harvest Order Documents to display all the active harvest orders for different seasons.
  2. Select Yes to the confirmation message.
    This loads all the active harvest orders for different seasons.

To add lines manually

  1. Navigate to any existing line.
  2. Select the AssistEdit button and select New Line.
    The new line is inserted.
  3. Select the desired option from the list in the Season No., Farm No., Agricultural Location No., Plot No., Item Category Code, and Item No. fields.
  4. In the Expected Qty. to Harvest and Qty. to Harvest fields, enter the values.
  5. On the action bar, select Create Harvest Orders.
    You can select multiple lines to create a Harvest Order. If the Season, Farm, and Agricultural Location are the same in all the selected lines, one Harvest Order is created.
    It works similarly for the creation of Purchase Orders, Blanket Purchase Orders, and Commodity Receipts.

To import the data from excel

You can import an excel file for creating the lines on the Harvest Planning page using the Import Excel action.

  1. On the action bar, select Import Excel.
  2. Select Choose… to upload an excel data file.
  3. Select a file from your local device.
    The excel file values are converted into the Name/Value Lookup table.
  4. Select OK.

To filter the records

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Harvest Planning, and then choose the related link.
    The Harvest Planning page opens. It lists all the harvest orders.
    The Expected Qty. to Harvest, Qty. to Harvest, Location, and Unit of Measure fields are editable.
  2. On the Filters FastTab, select the value from the list on the respective field based on which you desire to filter the records.
    This displays the records associated with it. Also, the Expected Total Harvest Qty., Total Harvested Qty. and Total Open Qty. to Harvest fields display the sum of the quantity for the filtered records.