Create and Post Purchase Order

Article12/06/20232 min read

You can create and post the purchase order from the commodity receipt page. The Quantity to Receive value is calculated and received on the purchase order on entering the Inbound and Outbound values on the Weighbridge Receiving – Inbound/Outbound FastTab. The Require Receive toggle can be turned on/off on the Location card.

When Require Receive is Off

  1. Go to the desired Commodity Receipt page.

  2. On the General FastTab, turn on the Weighbridge Enabled toggle.
    You will receive a confirmation message. On confirmation, Weighbridge Ticket is created with the Source Type as Commodity Receipt and the Source No. field is updated with the respective Commodity Receipt number.

  3. On the Weighbridge Receiving- Inbound/Outbound FastTab, enter the values in the Inbound Scale Reading, Inbound Packaging Tare, Inbound Packaging Count, Outbound Scale Reading, Outbound Packaging Tare and Outbound Packaging Count fields.
    The Inbound Packaging Weight, Calculated Inb. Vehicle Weight, Outbound Packaging Weight, Calculated Outb. Vehicle Weight and Calc. Quantity to Receive fields are internally calculated based on the inputs provided above.
    This automatically updates the Qty. to Receive field in the Commodity Receipt Line with the value from the Calc. Quantity to Receive field when the Commodity Receipt is Weighbridge Enabled. You are allowed to change this value manually.


    If the Qty. to Receive field value in the Commodity Receipt Line does not match with the value in the Calc. Quantity to Receive field, a confirmation message appears.

  4. On the action bar, select Create and Post Purchase Order.
    This creates a purchase order.
    The Weighbridge ticket is updated with the Source Type as Purchase Order and the Source No. field is updated with the respective Purchase Order number. Also, the purchase order, associated commodity receipt, and weighbridge ticket are posted.

When Require Receive is On

It works similarly when the Require Receive toggle is turned on except

  1. Warehouse Receipt is created after the creation of the Purchase Order.
  2. The Source Type field in the weighbridge ticket is updated with Warehouse Receipt and the Source No. field is updated with the respective Warehouse Receipt number.