Create a week forecast

Article06/25/20246 min read

Week forecast document provides businesses with a concise outlook for a specific week, detailing anticipated trends and activities related to vendors or growers. This enables proactive management of inventory, production schedules, and procurement strategies, enhancing overall performance and competitiveness.

Businesses can leverage the week forecast to optimize resource allocation and make informed decisions, maximizing efficiency and profitability. With this feature, you can create week forecasts. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Week Forecasts and then choose the related link.
    The Week Forecasts list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Week Forecast card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
No.Specifies the unique identification number assigned to the week forecast document. This field value is generated based on the number series configured on the Commodity Harvest Setup page.
Document TypeSpecifies the type or category of document associated with the forecast entry, such as sales order, purchase order, or forecast order.
Vendor No.Specifies the vendor number associated with the defined week forecast. If we create standalone week forecast documents, the vendor is mandatory.
Vendor NameSpecifies the vendor’s name associated with the defined week forecast.
Grower No.Specifies the grower number associated with the defined week forecast.
Grower NameSpecifies the grower’s name associated with the defined week forecast.
Agriculture LocationSpecifies the preferred location where the agricultural activities related to the week forecast are taking place.
Agricultural Location NameSpecifies the name of the agricultural location for easy identification and reference.
StatusSpecifies the status of the week forecast entry, whether it’s open, closed, or any other relevant status. When the Status field is set to Closed, you cannot make any changes or create day forecasts or purchase orders, regardless of whether all quantities are used, received, or harvested.
Document DateSpecifies the date when the forecast document was created or generated.
Harvest Order No.Specifies the harvest order number linked with the week forecast.

When the week forecast Status field is set as Closed, you cannot make any changes. You cannot create day forecasts or purchase orders, regardless of whether all quantities are used, received, or harvested.

  1. On the Planning FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
YearSpecifies the year in which the document was issued or created.
Season CodeSpecifies the specific season or growing season associated with the week forecast.
Calendar WeekSpecifies the calendar week within the year to which the forecast entry pertains.
Expected Receipt DateSpecifies the anticipated date when the products or goods associated with the forecast entry are expected to be received.
Harvest DaysSpecifies from which day of the week forecast the day forecast will be derived.
  1. On the Lines FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
TypeSpecifies the type of the item associated to the harvest order.
Item CategorySpecifies the category that the item belongs to.
Commodity Item No.Specifies the number of the commodity item associated to the harvest order.
Item No.Specifies the number of the item asssociated to the harvest order.
ProductSpecifies the value of global lot attribute 1 associated to the item.
VarietySpecifies the value of global lot attribute 2 associated to the item.
SizeSpecifies the value of global lot attribute 3 associated to the item.
ColorSpecifies the value of global lot attribute 4 associated to the item.
ClassSpecifies the value of global lot attribute 5 associated to the item.
LabelSpecifies the value of global lot attribute 6 associated to the item.
Plot No.Specifies the plot number linked to the harvest order.
Location CodeSpecifies the location code linked to the harvest order line from which the purchase order, blank purchase order, or commodity receipt is created.
Unit of MeasureSpecifies the expected quantity of the total harvest.
Expected Qty. to HarvestSpecifies the quantity used in the creation of purchase order, blanket purchase order, and commodity receipt.
Qty. to HarvestSpecifies the quantity used in the creation of purchase order, blanket purchase order, and commodity receipt.
Qty. on Purch. OrderSpecifies the total quantity of unposted purchase orders. It does not include the received quantity in lots.
Qty. on Commodity ReceiptSpecifies the total quantity of unposted commodity receipts. It does not include the received quantity in lots.
Qty. on Blanket Purch. OrderSpecifies the total quantity of unposted blanket purchase orders. It does not include the received quantity in lots.
Harvested Qty.Specifies the received harvest quantity.
Remaining Qty. to HarvestSpecifies the remaining quantity of the total harvest. It is internally calculated based on the expected quantity to harvest, harvested quantity, and open quantity to harvest values.
Default Shipping ContainerSpecifies the default container used for shipping produce or items.
Default Shipping UnitSpecifies the default unit used for shipping produce or items.

The week forecast is created.
You can create multiple week/day forecasts for the same harvest order or manually for the same vendor, item, item category, attribute, commodity item, document date, and year/week.
You can create a purchase order from a specific week forecast by selecting Create Purchase Order action on the action bar of the Week Forecast page.
Similarly, by selecting Create Day Forecast action, you can create a day forecast from the week forecast.


Upon selecting the Create Day Forecast action, the system checks the configured Harvest Days toggles. If enabled, it creates the day forecast based on the toggle value; otherwise, it uses the expected receipt date.

You can also manually create a day forecast. For more information, see Create a day forecast.

  • If a purchase order is created from a week/day forecast or harvest order, the system updates the Received Qty. in the created purchase order.
  • You can use a different UoM on the purchase order than on the harvest document it was created from.

Change forecast status

You can also schedule a batch job to set the status based on the date range filter and week forecast with the Status field set as Closed. You can manually set or reset the status. The date range filter evaluates document dates, and documents with dates within the filter range will change their status. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Week Forecasts, and then choose the related link.
    The Week Forecasts list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select Change Forecast Status.
    The Change Forecast Status page opens.
  3. On the Options FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
Start DateSpecifies the beginning date of the range. Harvest order documents created on or after this date will be considered for status change.
End DateSpecifies the ending date of the range. Harvest order documents created on or before this date will be considered for status change.
Change to Forecast StatusSpecifies the new status for the harvest orders within the specified date range. The system will update the status for all qualifying harvest orders.
  1. Click Schedule.

The batch job is scheduled.