Create a day forecast

Article06/25/20245 min read

A day forecast document provides detailed predictions for a specific day, covering weather, market trends, consumer behavior, and operational factors.
It helps businesses make informed decisions, optimize resources, enhance customer experience, and gain a competitive advantage by anticipating and responding to daily conditions effectively.
With this feature, you can create a day forecast. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Day Forecasts, and then choose the related link.
    The Day Forecasts list page opens.
  2. On the action, select New.
    The Day Forecast card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
No.Specifies the unique identification number assigned to the day forecast document. This field value is generated based on the number series configured on the Commodity Harvest Setup page.
Document TypeSpecifies the type of transaction that will be posted with the document line.The following options are available.
Item: Indicates individual products or goods.
Item Category: Indicates a group or category of items with similar attributes or characteristics.
Commodity Item: Indicates goods or products that are generally traded in bulk or on commodity exchanges, such as raw materials or agricultural products.
Agriculture LocationSpecifies the preferred location where the agricultural activities related to the day forecast are taking place.
Agricultural Location NameSpecifies the name of the agricultural location for easy identification and reference.
Vendor No.Specifies the vendor number associated with the defined day forecast. If we create standalone day forecast documents, the vendor is mandatory.
Vendor NameSpecifies the vendor’s name associated with the defined day forecast.
Grower No.Specifies the grower number associated with the defined day forecast.
Grower NameSpecifies the grower’s name associated with the defined day forecast.
Document DateSpecifies the date when the forecast document was created or generated.
Creation TimeSpecifies the time when the forecast document was created or generated.
Delivery/Pack CodeSpecifies a product’s production date on the packaging and links to the lot number for labeling or reporting purposes. This value is inherited from the Commodity Setup page.
StatusSpecifies the status of the day forecast entry, whether it’s open, closed, or any other relevant status.
Expected Delivery DateSpecifies the expected delivery date of the day forecast. The following options are available:
Today: Indicates the defined expected receipt date.
Today +1 day: Indicates the defined expected receipt date plus one day.
Today +2 day: Indicates the defined expected receipt date plus two more days.
Based on the defined value of this field, the system displays quantity fields on the Lines FastTab.
Harvest Forecast No.Specifies the harvest order number from which the day forecast is created.
Week Forecast No.Specifies the week forecast order number from which the day forecast is created.
  1. On the Planning FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
YearSpecifies the year in which the document was issued or created.
Season CodeSpecifies the specific season or growing season associated with the day forecast.
Calendar WeekSpecifies the calendar week within the year to which the forecast entry pertains.
Expected Receipt DateSpecifies the calendar week within the year to which the forecast entry pertains.
  1. On the Lines FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
TypeSpecifies the type of the item associated to the harvest order.
Item CategorySpecifies the category that the item belongs to.
Commodity Item No.Specifies the number of the commodity item associated to the harvest order.
Commodity Item DescriptionSpecifies the detailed description associated with the defined commodity item.
Item No.Specifies the number of the item asssociated to the harvest order.
Item DescriptionSpecifies the detailed description associated with the defined item.
ProductSpecifies the value of the global lot attribute 1 associated to the item.
VarietySpecifies the value of the global lot attribute 2 associated to the item.
SizeSpecifies the value of the global lot attribute 3 associated to the item.
ColorSpecifies the value of the global lot attribute 4 associated to the item.
ClassSpecifies the value of the global lot attribute 5 associated to the item.
LabelSpecifies the value of the global lot attribute 6 associated to the item.
Location CodeSpecifies the location code linked to the harvest order line from which the purchase order, blank purchase order or commodity receipt is created.
YearSpecifies the year on which the document was issued or created.
Calendar WeekSpecifies the number of the week within the calendar year in which specific harvest-related events or tasks are scheduled to occur.
Harvest DateSpecifies the anticipated date for harvesting the relevant crop or produce. This field aids in agricultural planning, enabling farmers to coordinate harvesting activities effectively based on factors such as crop maturity, weather conditions, and farming practices.
Expected Receipt DateSpecifies the projected date for receiving goods or shipments. This field assists in logistics and supply chain management by providing stakeholders with crucial information regarding product delivery timing. Factors such as shipping schedules, transit times, and processing procedures influence the expected receipt date.

When a day forecast is active for forecast tomorrow and/or forecast in two days, the system checks if these forecasts already exist for the expected receipt dates. If they do, the system displays a message indicating that forecasts for these days already exist.

To set the status based on the date range filter and day forecast, schedule a batch job by selecting Change Forecast Status on the action bar of the Day Forecasts list page.
This operates similarly to the batch job for week forecasts. For more information, see Change forecast status.
The day forecast is created.